
Baby Hints & Tips

Best formula for reflux?

I’ve just found out my baby has reflux – which is the best formula for reflux in other parent’s experience?

Please note: babies with reflux who are breastfed do not need to move to formula. This question is for those babies that are on formula already.

Medical disclaimer: Tips provided need to be considered in conjunction with medical advice. For immediate concerns, please contact HealthDirect (Australia wide) ph 1800 022 222 – to talk to a registered nurse 24hrs a day, and in emergencies call 000.

  • Take bubba girl to the doc’s they may prescribe you something better than on the shelf formula. You may get it cheaper as some formulas are on that centerlink card (card remember what it’s card but it’s yellow and purple xD)
  • My sil used nan ha with the karricare thickener for thier daughter
  • My son had severe reflux. No formula worked he projectiled everywhere. He still vomits at almost 10 month, not as bad though. His paediatrition said nothing can do about the vomiting but needed to help sooth the acid/burning part of the reflux which was hurting him so she gave me zantac. he hated taking it and just caused him distress so we didn’t bother with it and he eventually became better with the burning which has now completely gone. They say they should grow out of it 6-12 months (the vomiting) he is getting looked at again in 2 months as if still vomiting could be allergy related. He was also put on solids at 3 months which helped with the acid/burning to go and setlled the vomiting so that he wasn’t actually projectiling it.
  • Nan HA Gold is highly recommended by lots of mumma’s, and a little thickener if bubs still brings it up. Otherwise I’ve heard a lot people recommend the Belamy’s organic formula, or goats milk formula.
  • My friend said novalac is working wonders
  • Novelac Reflux Formula. It is fantastic. You have to go to chemists to get it, but was fantastic for my daughters reflux. She was a different child!
  • Novalac reflux worked wonders for my 11 month old DD
  • I was advised me to put my 3 mth old daughter on Karicare Aptimal AR as she was vomiting up every breast feed, and bottle feed (i stopped BF her at 7 wks and put her on Karicare Aptimal gold). She was even vomiting in between feeds. The consultant advised me to give her plenty of water in between her feeds, and even pop a bit of gripe water into the water ( i put 2-3mls in 100mls water), and she has not been constipated once, and she now only perks a tiny wee bit. Nothing like she was. It’s so wonderful. If your babies reflux is severe, than maybe something like Gaviscon Infant, or Losec (i think thats what its called can’t remember!) would help.
  • Novalac anti reflux worked for us combined with 1ml twice a day of zantac . the formula you can get from the chemist but the zantac you would.need a script from the gp. hopefully the formula works for u on its own and there won’t be and need for added meds . good luck
  • Is she is pain with the reflux, or just vomiting alot? If she is in pain i would suggest going to the doctor and talk to them about putting her on mylanta (or something stronger if that doesn’t work). If it is just a lot of vomiting then there isn’t all that much you can do, except invest in a lot of cloth nappies to catch the spills
  • My DD suffered with reflux she is now on Nan Ha Gold 1 with Karicare thickener and is a totally different bub she doesn’t vomit any more is alot happier and is so much more content… They were instructions from a pediatrician too 🙂 happy baby = happy mum… Good luck 🙂
  • Im using novalac ac reflux 4 my 3mbth old 🙂 u only get at chemists but its great gd luk.
  • My youngest had terrible reflux from the get go. We tried different formulas with no success. In the end, a trip to the doctors and some different meds later, the only thing that worked was 1ml of Zantac mixed in with her formula (regular s26). Also elevating her after every feed and elevating her cot slightly so she wasn’t laying flat. I’d definitely speak to a doctor about it.
  • I tryed s26 ar with no change at all so started her on losec and she got much better 🙂
  • My daughter has reflux. We used s26 gold AR – constipated her. 
Neocate – refusal to drink
s26 original – she threw up alot
Nan HA + Karicare thickner – LOVING IT. 
Nan AR – its very hard to thicken. I bought it 2 days ago, dont like it. Need to go back to Nan HA + karicare thickner.
  • I ended up giving my son the SMA because nothing worked for him even special formula’s given from the peadiatritions so it was the cheapest thing for him to throw up. He stopped vomiting about 11 months old
  • I used s26 ar his never been better
  • I use karicare aptamil AR haven’t had any problems with it and zantac in morning and night before bed we have such a happy baby now 🙂
  • I used karicare AR for my eldest daughter and it worked a treat
  • I used S26 AR for my first daughter with absolutely no problems. My second daughter however, got extremely constipated on it. I ended up using Karicare AR with her with no problems at all. It was hard to get though (some shops didn’t stock it) hope you find one that suits your bub soon!
  • It depends on how bad reflux is as to wether you should swap an change formlas. May want to discuss with you GP. Our bub had reflux. We just used s26 original ( gold gave him really bad wind and I think aggravated reflux.) He was also prescribed Zantac liquid by GP. this worked great for our little man!
  • karicare ar love it!
  • My son had reflux but he was also lactose intolerant I used lactose free formula then just added karicare thickener.
  • Just a note about the formula. My little one use to spew up all different formulas, now i use karicare aptamil its specifically for babies with regurgitation and reflux. Now my baby neva spews.
  • I am using novalac reflux ! Love it it thickens in the tummy so no need for change of teats. I also first tried the nan ar but gave my dd the runs badly and so clumpy and too much messing around with different teat sizes.

Which did you find to be the best formula for reflux in your baby? Did it make any difference? Comment below

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