
Baby Hints & Tips

Birth Stories: Queensland Delivers in Style

Ahem, Queensland. Exactly what is going on up there?

While we’ve all be focused on Book Week and getting out hair done post lock down (we see you Melbourne!) it seems that some wild baby stuff has been going on North of the border. These amazing birth stories will astound you.

Team Maroon has made the news not one, not twice but three times (and five babies later) with hair raising birth tales that you almost can’t believe.

A Father Delivers his Own Baby On the Side of the Road

When it comes to giving birth, the busiest highway in Brisbane is not on many people’s birth plan. When Riette Anderson went into labour, she and her husband Wade headed straight for the hospital.

But it wasn’t until they had made it onto the chaotic Brisbane M1 freeway that the couple realised they weren’t going to make it.

“It was something I have never planned for and probably something I couldn’t plan for, it was just unbelievable,” Mr Anderson said.

An emergency services operator (000) helped Wade deliver the baby over the phone while peak hour traffic watched on.

“We were lucky it was a quick delivery,” Mum Riette joked. The birth in fact went so well – petrol fumes and all – that the new family is already settling in back at home.

Mr Anderson suggested to media that he might consider midwifery if his normal occupation didn’t work out. Given your wife just gave birth in the front seat of a car it’s probably a bit early for a joke Wade.

Townsville Mum Delivers 1 in 500,000 odds naturally conceived triplets after having twins the year before

A Townsville family has defied the odds to welcome a second set of naturally conceived multiples to their family just a year after having twins.

Despite a history of multiple births in their lineage, Alicia Bee was surprised to find out she was expecting triplets.

“They said ‘no actually there’s one more in there, there’s triplets’, I almost had a heart attack at the table but after that I was very happy and excited,” she said.

Conceived naturally and born at just 29 weeks, the three boys, Elijah, Jaxson and Jett, made good progress in the neonatal triplet room aptly dubbed “the beehive“. They will join a vast clan at home with siblings Frederick, 7, April 6, Jayden 2, Keith and Kirby, 1.

Yep, that’s eight kids total. With six under two. Send help. And a shed load of nappies.

Innisfail Firies Step Up and Deliver Baby Boy

Put them in a burning building any day and they’ve got the situation under control. But this time, the Innisfail Fire Station was faced with a whole different kind of challenge!

The group of firies from Far North Queensland have gone above the call of duty helping a mother deliver her baby before ambulance crews arrived.

Although accustomed to life threatening and high pressure every day, the thought of delivering a baby was a daunting task for the firies but they took the drama in stride.

In an unexpected twist, the firemen beat the ambulance to the 000 call and found themselves all hands on deck for both the demands of a freaking out dad and labouring mum.

“I heard the kids’ father in the background he was stressing a fair bit and he was yelling ‘there’s no fire there’s a baby what’s going on?’,” the mum told 9News.

Despite the firefighters’ lack of experience delivering babies, little Adrick arrived without a hitch. “We were just there to catch the baby as he came out,” Firemen Mr Buckton declared.

Okay Queensland, here’s a little tip from us mums everywhere else across the nation. If you can… try and keep your births a little bit less extra in future if you can?! Your birth stories are stealing the show! Want to be ready for labour yourself? Here’s what you should do before baby is coming. More birth stories? Check out these amazing images they’ll give you goosebumps for sure.






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