by Bec from Toddler Craft
Every mum loves a homemade pressie for Mother’s Day and always really great when Dad’s helped to make it! So Dads this one’s for you and your toddler to make.
You will need
- Coloured card
- Pencil
- Glitter
- Paper Plate
- Sticky tape
- Scissors
- Clear contact
- Decorations – crepe paper, glitter, buttons etc
- Sticks – I’ve used green plastic tubes but you can use a stick from the garden or similar
How to make Mothers Day Flower Craft Ideas:
1. Draw shapes on your coloured card (I’ve drawn a love heart and some flower shapes). Make sure one is big enough for your toddlers hand print to fit in.
2. Draw the same shape a couple of cms smaller inside the first shape drawn.
3. Cut out the shape and the inside shape.
4. Prepare two sheets of contact that will cover each side of the cut out shape.
5. Lay one sheet of contact on the table and place the shape on top to stick.
6. Poor some glitter onto a paper plate.
7. Dampen your toddlers hand very slightly using a face washer.
8. Place toddlers hand in the glitter.
9. Place toddlers hand in the centre of your shape and press down gently.
10. Carefully remove toddlers hand from the contact (and wash it straight away otherwise you’ll end up with glitter covering the house)
11. Carefully place contact over the top and stick down.
12. Cut around the shape.
13. Sticky tape a stick on the back of it
14. Repeat, but instead of making a glitter handprint have your toddler use other decorations and make as many as you would like in your bouquet J Mum will love it!
My name is Bec, I am the mum of two beautiful boys. Everyday I enjoy entertaining them and having heaps of fun. I would like to share all the activities we get up to and hopefully help those out there looking for different ideas to entertain their little toddlers. Visit me at my website or on Facebook. To see all of Bec’s articles, click here.