Just wondering for those who had haemorrhoids while pregnant. What sort of remedies did you use to help and did they go away after baby was born?
You can buy a cream over the counter – Proctosedyl. Works well. Bronwyn
soak a cotton ball in witch hazel, and leave it overnight, works wonders Martiqua
Not much u can do woth hemroids they dont go away after bubs but they normally settle down Vonnelle
Worked on my pelvic floor. Helps more than you’d think. Also frozen pads are handy for some relief Amber
They don’t go away after having baby. See your pharmacist, they are able to give you some cream to put on the area. No need for prescription, it’s over the counter. Abbey
haemorroids didn’t go away after baby was born. I used Anusol cream & it helps. They do ho down but can flare up again anytime. Clare
I had them bad prior to birth, worsened after… Still did not go away!!! So I am pregnant again and have organized to have them removed after this next birth. I didn’t find creams, ice, pushing them back in or anything else to work Lara
Got worse with birth but healed back fine after the birth. Joanne
I had haemorrhoids during pregnancy that itched like crazy. I used rectinal cream to relieve them, but if they got really bad I’d put an ice cube in a small plastic bag, tie it up and put it on the area. For about 4 weeks after birth they hurt and throbbed a lot, but have disappeared now (11 weeks after). I just continued the cream after birth Serena
Talk to your doctor/obstetrician, there are some good prescription creams that can help. Keep your fibre up, drink lots of water. I found that after bubs were born (via c sec) that the pain generally went away straight away, but alas the actual raised bits have not. Not generally painful but you need to keep the area clean. I hope you are one of the lucky ones! Rosalie
Mine were really bad and after talking to my Dr I ended up using 2 different creams Anusol and Proctosedyl. I also used a cotton bud soaked with Witch Hazel before applying the creams which really helped t o take the sting out of them. They do clear up, you just have to be careful not to get backed up as it can cause flair ups. Peta
I used a cream that I got from the Drs that helped minimise them. After birth they cleared up quite quickly… Sharna
I had them when I was pregnant too. Everyday in the shower I would try to push the back in but they’d always pop out again and the get sorer. So I just got some antiseptic wipes to keep them clean and used them every time I went to the toilet. After I gave birth they went away on their own after 3-4 days. So just hang in there! Veronique
You can get an ointment from the chemist, but if you get them while pregnant they usually won’t go away until after pregnancy and it will take a while. Just try not to let them get worse eat plenty of fibre it see a chemist about fibre supplements. Leeann
Get a cream from the chemist and no, they never go away unfortunately. Carole
My hospital had the physio come round and use ultrasound on them and my tearing and it worked fantastically… I had two sessions Vanessa
not the best things , mine played up on and off for about 10 years, had them cut out ,didn’t have them again till now as I’m pregnant again, found a lot of creams irritated them made them worse , ice , fibre, lots of water , never sit on cold concrete , don’t strain but u can do all this and still have flair ups. Fi
Proctosedyl for hemorrhoids but dont use it all the time as it restricts blood flow to shrink it but takes longer to heal. Kiah
my baby just turned 3 months. I developed haemorrhoids when I was about 6 months pregnant… so yeah if you do the math it’s been 6 months of bloody (literally) hell! I feel for you! I’ve tried creams and high fibre foods. it would get better then worse. I’ve now resorted to taking a laxative and finally its better! be careful with dosage though, having a runny tummy can be ad bad as having a hard one! good luck! Amanda
I am a year and a half on but still have them!! The good thing to remember is that they don’t hurt forever, mine don’t hurt anymore. They’re just uncomfortable. Some things I did when they were really painful was fill a condom with water and put it in the freezer and when it’s frozen put it against them (sounds gross but you know) also ice blocks like zooper doopers or whatever work the same as well. Good luck. Symone