This article is part of our Healthy Body Healthy Mind series
We spend SO much time looking after other people once we become parents that some times we forget to stop and look after ourselves. This challenge is about taking a few minutes to look after body and mind. The challenge involves making sure your health checks are up to date (don’t just think about it – DO IT) and your mind. The most important part of this weeks challenge is the Breast Check, this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
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Week 1
Health: Breast Check – Cheeky Check Up
About You: Find 5 mins for yourself
Exercise: 10 Tips to Find Time to Exercise
Tip: Stock up on sunscreen & hats for upcoming summer. More information here on Sun protection in 0-12 months
Recipe: Celebrate in style and stay healthy. (Edible Fruit Bowl)
Nutrition: Thnking about having a baby? Here is a Pre-conception Nutrition guide
Get OUTSIDE: Go to the zoo, find a new park, go for a walk
Week 2
Health: Pap Smear – every 2 years. Book in NOW. Yes it may not be your favourite way to spend a day but it may save your LIFE. More information
About You: Meditation for busy mums
Exercise: 10 Tips to Stay Motivated
Nurture You: Drink only water for an entire day (no coffee/soft drink/etc)
Tip: Watch the UV index daily to know when to stay out of the sun `
Recipe: (Meatballs with smuggled goodness)
Nutrition: General Nutritional requirements and guidelines in pre-conception and pregnancy
Get OUTSIDE: Go to a petting zoo, walk to school/shops, meet friends at your favourite park
Week 3
Health: Skin Cancer Check – Book in NOW.
About You: Yoga for busy mums
Exercise: Why you need to move
Nurture You: AVOID alcohol for the week
Nutrition: Achieving optimal nutrition and health in pre-conception and pregnancy
Recipe: Fresh Spring Rolls
Get OUTSIDE: Have a picnic, have a play at the beach
Week 4
Health: Do your PELVIC FLOOR EXERCISE! Go on, do THEM. Tips
About You: Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while
Exercise: Maintain the momentum
Nurture You: QUIT smoking. More information at
Nutrition: Specific nutrient recommendations in preconception and pregnancy
Recipe: (Spaghetti and Veggie Balls)
Get OUTSIDE: Go for a bushwalk, find a new walking path