
Baby Hints & Tips


Woman labouring in poolHypnobirthing is intended to encourage a calm, positive and natural birth.  To reduce stress hormones and help you to become in tune with your body.  With methods like breathing, relaxation and massage.

Community experience of hypnobirthing

I’m 36 wks pregnant and was wondering if anyone had any advice on hypnobirthing. I’m very worried about the second stage of labour and how to get through it. I’d really appreciate all thoughts. This is my third and have had previous traumatic experiences. I’m hoping to have a water birth and be drug free.

  •  HypnoBirthing is amazing. You can’t HypnoBirth by reading a book or googling, you must attend a course. I know HypnoBirthing practitioners will come to your home and give you an your partner an intensive course over 1-2 sessions. It’s not too late. I did a HypnoBirthing course and gave birth a little over 2 weeks ago. I had an obstetrician right up until 39weeks,1day where I decided that I was not going to be induced or end up with a Caesar, and went through two independent midwives- Simply Midwifery & found them via my HypnoBirthing instructor Vicki @ Phoenix Therapies. I opted for a homebirth and had a short 6 hour labour and birthed my baby without fear. They both have websites and will be more than happy to lead you in the right direction. Also, Become a friend of Birth Without Fear on Facebook. HypnoBirthing Australia is on Facebook. Don’t feel it’s too late- I changed my mind at 39w1d and birthed 24 hours later!!    Krystle
  •  Hi! I’m 23 weeks pregnant and halfway through the Hypnobirthing course. It is AMAZING! I already feel so calm, confident and excited about our birth. It is such a logical philosophy about calm natural birthing and they teach you how to do it. I cannot imagine approaching birth without this information. Google Hypnobirthing Australia and then search hypnobirthing on YouTube. Once you’ve seen some clips of beautiful hypnobirths you’ll want one of your own! Feel free to inbox me with any questions all the best!   Joanna
  •  Yes it helped tremendously during my 35 hour labour. Regardless of what type/kind of birth you have, u can use the techniques.   Julia
  •  I used the hypnobirthing technique and had a water birth drug free. I recommend it highly! The only advice i can lend is practice your breathing and trust that you’re body will know what to do… Stay calm Good luck x    Claire
  •  I had a hypnobirthing water birth just under 3 weeks ago. Having had a traumatic first birth that was full of drugs that did nothing but stall my labor and make it worse I decided to do my next one drug free. I had a posterior, back labor and it was fast. 3.5 hours of active labor and 2 hrs getting him out. I spent the entire time in water, before I was in the shower and midwifes and mum (partner fifo and missed it) putting water on my back and rubbing it through each surge. The birthing pool is a amazing relief, the difference from being out of water to is such a difference, I breathed away every surge, in through my nose out through my mouth through the entire surge, would tell myself that I can do this, the peak will end in seconds and the surge will come back down again and I can relax and relax I did, every break I got I floated on my back in complete peace, nearly falling asleep! That’s the thing, don’t think of the next one, just relax your body and deal with the next one when it comes…breathing is a big one, breathe through every single surge, the second you lose control and let it take over the pain is way worse. I lost control a few times and would scream, I realised very quickly that staying on control and breathing correctly is what’s going to get me through them. I imagined my baby. I had a incredible experience and hypnobirthing is what got me it, even with my partner not being able to make it as he done all the hypnobirthing preparation with me, I confidently did it myself, I birthed him myself, received him, did it all. Incredibly amazing.    Alana
  •   My 4th birth I used hypnobirthing. I wish I had known about it for previous births it was incredible. It takes commitment and practice but is totally worth it.    Renee
  •  I had my first baby using hypnobirthing techniques and it was amazing. I had wanted to he a water birth but was so chilled out and comfy I didn’t move from where I was there was honesty not even a time when I thought about drugs, and it was the most amazing experience. Feel free to message me if you have any specific questions but its seriously all in your breathing and body bring relaxed, so just make sure you have the three types of breathing mastered. I also didn’t really have / want many interruptions, which I think helps!! When I first went into the birth centre the mid wife said to me relax your shoulders you’re holding way too much tension there and when I did everything was a million times better. Good luck – it’s a brilliant thing to do. Our bodies are made to do this, so you just need to remember that xx    Kristie
  •  I used hypnobirthing and I had a wonderful birth.    Claire
  •  I used a hypno birth cd off eBay b I swear by it!! Was my third baby, had a drug free birth with my second. This was also drug free and not painful as such just uncomfortable.    Simone
  •  My husband introduced me to a birthing hypnosis program called Blissborn, which I practiced from about 36 weeks up until I gave birth at 40 weeks. I found using hypnosis very helpful until about 5cm at which point I used other pain management techniques like vocalization. My baby was posterior and the contractions were very intense. I did not use hypnosis for the 2nd stage, but I feel that if you can remain in a state of deep relaxation up until 10cm than it would be very helpful. My labour was pain relief free, and I would definitely use Blissborn hypnosis techniques again, and would start practicing earlier in my pregnancy. It definitely helps in the lead up labour to eradicate any fears that you have surrounding the birthing process!! Good luck.   Karlee
  •  Absolutely recommend Hypnobirthing or calm birth. I did it with my DD and completely drug free and I was so relaxed going into labour. You do need to practice the breathing and relaxation techniques and it really would best to do a course than try on your own. If you are in SA I recommend Kristy Cook from Instinctual Birthing www.instinctualbirthing.com.au.   Jo
  •  I birthed both my babies completely drug free using the Hypnobirthing techniques, and highly recommend it. Definitely register for a class or two then relax and have confidence in yourself! Water births are amazing.    Michelle
  •  Have a look at calm birth – I found it (and pre-natal yoga) great preparation for birth.    Sarah
  •  I did a hypnobirthing course and read lots of info, I struggled with the practice because I had ICP so was too itchy to practice relaxing breathing, however I still found all the info very comforting and really helped take the fear out of labour. Definitely recommend, and would recommend finding a practitioner and taking a course- ours was just one full day.    Katie


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