
Baby Hints & Tips

Lose Baby Weight and 12WBT programs for mums

Lose Baby weightI’m just after people’s experiences with the program’s Lose Baby Weight and 12WBT by Michelle Bridges, regarding weight loss while breastfeeding? Has anyone done one or both and found them successful?

  • You just had a baby, 9 months in, 9 months out. Your ribs and pelvis will shrink at about the 12 month mark once your hormones settle. Just eat healthily and walk lots, you’re BF so be kind to yourself Missy
  • I’ve done the lose baby weight program. Found it easy to stick to & wasn’t hungry. Found that the 10min exercises were easy to fit into my day around baby & going for a walk with bubs was good to break up the day too. I lost about 8kgs when doing it for approx 6wks. Yummy food too & don’t need to do the shakes if not wanting to do them. It was very flexible. Good luck. Nicole
  • I did it while breastfeeding lost last 10kgs. Just make sure u are on the right calorie count. If not enough calories you could lose ur milk supply. Also go easy on the exercise depending how long since your birth. Tash
  • I lost weight while breastfeeding by just following the eating plan. I couldn’t fit in the exercise while taking care of a newborn except for walking. Make sure you print heaps of recipes so you can keep using them once the challenge ends. Emma


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