
Baby Hints & Tips

What to do now I have a positive HPT

Woman expecting pregnancy test result in bathroomI have just found out today that I am pregnant. (First time) and i am just wondering what happens now?? Ive booked a doctor’s appointment is that all I need to do at this stage???

  •  Congrats honey, go buy some pregnancy multi vitamins like elevit or blackmores.  Jodi
  •  If you are going private, choose your OB and book in now. Some book out early, I know that sounds stupid but they have quotas. Otherwise, no nothing else but take care of yourself.    Kirstie
  •  I joined the Huggies club & they send you weekly updates on what happening to you in that week. I found it so helpful.    Melissa
  •  Congrats Just wait for your doc appointment and get some pregnancy multi vitamins.    Sophie
  •  Buy the book “up the duff” it has a yellow cover, funniest read I’ve had in a long time, but also covers all the things you need to do and what to expect week by week, congratulations!    Kirsten
  •  Take daily prenatal vitamins that have iron and at least 500mg of folic acid ASAP, Congrats!   Jacqui
  •  Haha you remind me of myself 12 months ago. I found out I was pregnant and had no clue what to do. I would check with your doctor (I’m guessing they’re an Obstetrician) how much their pregnancy management fee is. My mistake was going with the first doctor I called and they were charging $5k when the doctor I ended up with in the end only charged $500. If the appointment is a significant time away I would go to the gp and they’ll do blood tests to check everything is good etc. then you can take them to the ob when you have your appointment. I joined babycentre and got the weekly emails and also joined the birth club for my due date (baby due November, so joined the November 2013 club). Then read what to expect when you’re expecting and start saving for all of the fun things like pram and cot!Congratulations by the way. Be sure to enjoy this time, I didn’t and it went so fast. It’s a really special time.    Alyce
  •  Yep the doc can advise on what happens now. Congratulations! Start thinking about where and who you would like to book for the birth sooner rather than later particularly for a birth centre or private obstetrician. And pregnancy multivitamins if not already taking them best of luck.    Tori
  •  Congrats. When you schedule… They will confirm it and do a scan. Possibly take your blood for tests. Get yourself prenatals.    Amanda
  •  Firstly go to your gp and get some bloods done that will check your hormone levels and you can discuss maternity options (either private or public) they will write you a referral, and give you some suggestions of multivitamins, eating during pregnancy and things you should and shouldn’t do! My gp was my first port of call with both pregnancies congrats.   Stacey
  •  Congrats firstly!!!!! How exciting, you need to get on preg vitamins WITH folate Blackmores were the best. It is also an idea to take ferro gradumet tabs (iron) as a lot of us don’t realise our iron stores are low. You need to make an appointment with an OB, they will want to see you around 8-10 weeks to confirm pregnancy. From there you discuss with him/her which hosp they work out of & which you’d prefer to go….. A lot of hospitals (private) have open days… Go along & get a feel of the hospitals & which you’d prefer. You may also want to start researching & written up a birth plan, think of how you’d like the nursery to be, names….. Oh so many things. If you have priv insurance, use it… You will get a lot better care & consistency then you would in the public sector.  Wishing you all the best during your pregnancy & upcoming birth.   Sherree
  •  Congrats! Have u decided on private vs public? You see an Ob privately 3wks after pos preg test (@7wks approx)     Bec
  •  Yes lol congratulations. Start taking pregnancy vitamins, stop smoking and eating crap. Xxxx.    Laura
  •  Work out if u want private or public, she will work out your due date etc.   Amanda
  •  I went to my gp, had the dating scan and all the blood tests done, then I got the referral to go to the ob. I’m in Melbourne now and have been under midwives since 12 weeks, same with the second. I had my first in WA and the ob there was fantastic.    Jodie
  •  Congratulations!! I’m going to assume that it’s all pretty much similar which ever state you live. Usually you will have your initial dr appointment where the dr will go by the first day of your last period to get your EDD. If you don’t know when that was, then you will be sent for an ultrasound, which is also a dating scan. You get your ‘pregnancy’ book, and may also have the option of shared care which is with a midwife for most part of your pregnancy, and you see the dr every other visit to get referral for all tests etc. Either way, the dr will give you all info when you see him/her at your first appointment. You can also do the ante natal classes and during this time, you should be taken on a tour of your chosen hospital. I’m in country Vic, so only 1 small hospital here, so not sure how it works for metro.    Rachael
  •  After my initial GP appointment I went through My Midwives. They took care of everything throughout pregnancy birth and 6 weeks pp. I was low risk though and they were great. Oh and I borrowed every pregnancy book from library!    Sarah
  •  Congrats! Yep that’s all you need to do for now, the gp will refer you for the dating ultrasound etc. I joined the what to expect website/app they have groups and forums based on what month you are due etc, it’s great to have as much support as possible. Good luck!    Lauren
  •  Congratulations! Look after yourself and your body will do the rest! I got a good book that guided me through each stage of my pregnancy. Plenty of info and apps around now to guide you. I remember feeling the same, I had no idea what to ask or do. Listen to your body rest when u need to and eat well.    Emma
  •  Start taking Elevit or something similar if you aren’t already.   Jenna
  •  Keep your fluids up and make sure that you still eat properly.    Monique
  •  First is gp. They will order your blood test. Referral to an ob if going private. Once you have that you will make your first ob appointment. Start taking a pregnancy multi with foliate.    Melissa
  •  Pick your obstetrician if you are going private and you will get a referral from your GP to see them and maybe make your 1st appointment they may be busy.    Bev
  •  Congrats it depends what state you are in and if u live in a smaller town in regards to how quickly u need to get the ball rolling. I found I was pregnant when I live in NSW blood work confirmed I was pregnant and was sent for a dating scan to see how far along I actually was. The next step was to choose a hospital but my gp discussed this with me. During my late stages of pregnancy I moved interstate to TAS and my ob from Sydney refereed me to the local hospital and the midwives took me on.. I only saw the ob at the new hospital once or twice. I had never met my midwife before I went into labour but she was brilliant. An ob and a student ob a few other midwives where present during my birth due to complications. My advice research the hospital you think you want to have your baby at and find out everything about it. And if you’re unsure ring them and talk to them.   Ky
  •  Relax! Your doctor will explain everything so take a notepad and pen. Congrats!    Melissa
  •  Congratulations. If this is all overwhelming then go along to yr GP and chat to them then go on from there.    Kylie
  •  Depends where you are – if you are in Canberra and want to go Public I’d suggest putting your name on the waiting list for the birth center and catch program at Canberra hospital. These programs fill up quickly (12 weeks will be too late) and are the best you can get I think.    Carmen
  •  Congratulations. If you are going private, book your hospital and obstetrician now!    Rebecca
  •  Or choose a private midwife or book in for caseload midwifery care at your hospital (gold standard care model) decide on if you will have scans etc and think about what you want for a birth and do some research going private means you know who will be there Dr wise regardless of the birth type you have but increases the chance of c section or instrumental delivery by double if you are having your first…. general low risk care at a hospital means you get seen by whichever midwife or Dr is on and same at birth caseload means you see the same midwife all pregnancy and after and she will ideally come to the birth or one of her team if she has 2 women birthing at the same time (you should meet her back ups before the birth) some hospitals do homebirths some have birthing centres so have a think about what is important to you. I went caseload for my first baby and am paying for an independent midwife who has admitting rights to my local hospital so if I decide I want/need hospital birth she can look after me there or deliver at home. i chose that as I don’t want to be bound by policies like I was last time when i have done my research and know the pros and cons of those things that are important to me I don’t want my birth or just after to become a negotiation or a fight for what I want and I know that my midwife and i have discussed the research and what i want and come to an agreement of what is going to work for both of us and I’m only 28 weeks so I feel totally comfortable that my needs and preferences will be respected and adhered to.    Simone
  •  Doc will send u for scan once then done ring round to find midwife that can take u on for the time your due congrats.    Wendy
  •  Congrats! Dr will confirm & u may need a dating scan to get due date. Dr will explain from there. Mine looked after me until 18 weeks then had app’s at the hospital.    Kirsten
  •  Congrats I went to my GP and he sent me for a ultrasound asap to ensure bub was in the right spot (previous dramas). He basically did everything and I followed. This is my first and I was glad my doctor is amazing . He organises bloods and an ultrasound at 12 weeks and speaks to you about where you would like to have baby.    Louise
  •  Congratulations Apart from doctors appointment. Maybe research some hospitals that u are wanting to go to even if public. That way the doctor can help u in your selection and getting in to a particular hospital.    Cherie
  •  Dr will send you for blood tests and then book in your next check up. The hospital choosing doesn’t really happen till about 9-12weeks in I found.    Terri
  •  Yep! GP should be able to talk you through the rest of the process re: private / public & refer on to the relevant services.    Jemma
  •  Yes that’s the first step. The doctor will help you with the rest (referrals for blood tests and ultrasounds depending on how far along you are) congratulations and good luck.    Hayley
  •  At your doctor’s appointment they will do a pregnancy test n u will also have a blood test. All the information will be given to you by your dr. They will tell you that you should be taking elevate or a pregnancy vitamin. Congratulations.   Stephanie
  •  Congrats!! Just get some pregnancy vitamins but yeah that’s about all I did until it’s confirmed by doc!    Ellyse

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