
Baby Hints & Tips

Outrageous Baby Shower Cakes You’ll Never Believe

Forget pink ruffles, tiny elephants, curled up baby feet and blue alphabet blocks, these baby shower cakes take it to a whole new place. Whether you’re planning a vaginal birth, a c-section, a whole lot of pushing or just want to talk sex at your baby shower, we have a cake for you… maybe! Whether you love or loathe this crazy round-up you (and maybe your guests!) will never forget the cake…

Just in case your guests were unsure where babies come from, this cake answers all those mysteries in one sugary plate. Image Credit.

Outrageous baby shower cakes - Vagina Cake
Not to be outdone, those who may be planning a c-section can also elect for this delicious number themselves… Image Credit.

Baby shower cakes - alien birth sign
If you plan on a gender reveal at your baby shower, this is one way to keep them talking… Image Credit. Although I hope they don’t think they’ve been invited to a different kind of party altogether.

Baby Shower Cake
And in case the expectant mum didn’t know that giving birth “may” involve pushing, this cake gives her a clue whats in store after her waters break… Image Credit.

Outrageous baby shower cakes - push cake
And last but not least, for those that maybe didn’t know where babies came from, or perhaps chosen by a mother in law who thinks her son is a true genius in everything he does (awkward!) this cake lets us know exactly how little people are made! Sperm cake anyone? Image Credit.

baby shower cake - sperm
Whether these five examples make you laugh, cringe or just plain hungry you’ve undoubtedly just witnessed five show stopping baby shower cakes! None the less, happy planning for your special day.  If you are making a baby shower cake, why not use a Woolworths cake hack?

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