Hi there I’m after some support and advice on quitting smoking once pregnant. I’m 8 weeks and I feel like I’m lacking confidence in myself to quit smoking l have been cutting down every day but struggling l don’t want negative comments pls as i already being really hard on myself thank u!
- Just think about the beautiful life growing inside you and let that be your driving force. I was a 40 a day smoker before my babies came, I quit before I started my family, and it was the passion I felt towards breastfeeding that motivated me. (Turns out I couldn’t breastfeed anyway lol) …. 5 years now and still going strong! You can message me if you need tips on how to combat the cravings and withdrawals good luck and congrats. Jodi
- Research what smoking when pregnant can do to your baby, what you find should be enough motivation to quit. I know it’s hard but imagine how hard it will be to try and look after a very sick little bubba and the guilt you will feel then. Lots of people saying ‘don’t be so hard on yourself’ but you should be hard on yourself; your gorgeous little bubba is counting on you. You can do it. Try and find a replacement. Every time you feel like a smoke, treat yourself to something else instead. Believe in yourself, this is the first step in being the awesome mumma, I bet you want to be (we all do) good luck. Ingrid
- Cutting down every day is already a great start! You can do it! Melissa
- Please feel free to remove if being pregnant isn’t enough to quit then how the hell confidence is going to make a difference. A baby is the most precious and important thing, obviously not as much as the next cig fix. Mia
- Cutting down is already a massive start so well done and keep going! AND BELIVE IN YOURSELF!!! Kasia
- Think of your baby. Picture him or her. Google some cute baby pictures then picture them smoking cigarettes. This is a life that you chose to bring into this world. Being a mum means giving up things so that your baby can be healthy and happy. You’re a good mum by cutting down. You don’t need the cancer sticks and you don’t want to affect your baby’s health any more. Once you bring that life into the world, it doesn’t stop. Smoking around children causes severe problems from asthma to allergies, and ear infections. You want your child not to have to struggle to breathe and you don’t want to die of lung cancer before your child grows up into a beautiful adult. Do this for you. So you can see what a fine person you’re about to bring into this world. You can do it because the power is within you. Your child is worth it and you are worth it to your child! Melissa
- It’s like the ad for quitting says. Each time you quit your one step closer! All you can do is keep quitting and persevere and use your miracle as encouragement to tough it out!! Jessica
- I found it really hard too. What I did is had 4 half cigarettes a day and then quit altogether at about 16 weeks. I cried every day the week I gave up completely. Good luck it’s fricken hard xx Demitra
- Just think.. Your placenta can not filter cigarette smoke perhaps use it as an incentive like for example…at the end of the day no mum wants their child around that atmosphere so instead of seeing yourself as pregnant see yourself as carrying your child.. Would you smoke next to the baby? Probly not right? So if you picture your bump as the baby it is then maybe it’ll make the decision much easier… Just a suggestion but could help? lol hope I’m not babbling too much aha x Lucy
- It’s so so so hard to do… it’s taken me about 7 tries, till 28 days ago, making me 7 months pregnant. I kept quitting then caving but each time I tried again I was stronger and more determined. You just have to make the decision on a quit date and stick to it. If you cave, try again. And again. My doctor suggested patches and they are advertised as being safe in my hospital but I just went cold turkey as I had cut down so much like you have. Whatever you do, keep trying Good on you for getting this far and I hope you are successful in the near future. Don’t give up Lol Samanatha
- I will honestly tell you I had the same problem. I went from a pack a day to one or two a day. My midwife told me that if I could keep it to that one a day I should be happy I’ve cut out a whole pack. This happened with both my pregnancies and my boys are absolutely fine. I’m not in any way condoning it but if it stresses you more not to have any, that stress will affect the baby, if one a day calms you then that’s ok. You never know, you may not enjoy it and quit altogether…Emma
- Surround yourself around positive people and non smokers. The less stressed you are less you will smoke. Keep busy and keep your mind off it. Also remember your doing it for your baby. Leisha
- When I found out I was pregnant it gave me motivation to give up but was still hard. I guess the one thing that made me motivated was the fact I was now not only thinking about me but my little one. Don’t be so hard on yourself to quit cold turkey. Just try cutting down more and more each day. Good luck. Shontelle
- I was always told the stress u will be under quitting cold turkey is by far worse than doing your best to cut down have one or 2 draws of your cigarette instead of a whole one every time u will slowly cut down and potentially stop well done for making the choice many don’t good luck. Stevie
- They say quitting smoking is harder than quitting heroin. Every smoke you don’t have is helping your baby. Be proud of yourself keep trying to stop. You will get there. All the best. Marilyn
- Congrats and well done. Keep trying; I know how hard it is as I smoked for over 20 years. It is very very hard but you have the best reason ever to give up. One day at a time, you can do it. Anytime you need support we are here. Letitia
- I think your very brave reaching out. Have you tried researching what every puff of smoke is doing to your baby’s development? I’m not trying to be negative just saying it might help give u the strength. Comes down to what’s really important to you, your needs Or your baby’s needs? It’s hard but try not to stress and fill that void with something else. Maybe every time you don’t smoke put some money in a jar to go towards something for your baby. Honestly it’s not just about u anymore. Make a choice and go with it! You are brave and you can be strong! Good luck I wish you all the best x Emma
- You are awesome!! The amount you have cut down already is brilliant! Just take it one day at a time and think of that precious little bundle! Danielle
- I use to smoke 20 a day!! The day I found out I quit and didn’t look back. Trust me it was the frecken hardest thing I had every done in my life. But so worth it!! Keep positive honey. It has been 3 years since my last ciggie and now 20 weeks with twins, I look back and it was the best thing I ever did. Good luck!!! Kelly
- You are doing great! If you can’t stop outright the best thing you can do is cut down. Be proud of yourself for doing that! A friend of mine couldn’t quit outright and smoked the whole pregnancy but she was able to cut down and she now has a perfectly healthy little boy. We all know that ultimately its better not to smoke during pregnancy but don’t beat yourself up if you can’t do it cold turkey. Kristin
- I was the same, by 12 weeks i cut back only having one in the morning and the night and cut down the milligrams and eventually got myself into the headspace of by quitting I was helping my little bubba its hard but you can do it just keep positive, I had to change my routine alot I used to go out at lunch when I was at work, so I just brought my lunch from home and read a book and didn’t leave work, just have to change the routine like after dinner go and have a shower etc you have already started by cutting down!!! Dianne
- Believe in yourself and try to stay away from the daily activities that made u feel like a cigarette and chew lots of chewy or bubblegum and keep busy so your mind stays off ciggies…good luck and Congrats . Abbie
- I gave up when I found out I was pregnant, but I didn’t find out until I was 12 weeks… I felt pretty guilty for smoking those 12 weeks so that pretty much motivated me to quit cold turkey… Hard call considering I have smoked for half my life. I wish you all the best in your battle. It’s not easy, just stick it out! Good luck!! Mel
- Mate have you been to see the doc? You are doing great by cutting down already! Set yourself up a reward system!!! You could call the quit line and see what they say chin up!! Celeste
- Good luck be positive that you can do it for the sake of your babies health. Lee
- Just stop (yes I’ve been a smoker and yes it is hard). You are going to hold a beautiful baby in 7 months. Give her the best start possible and make the first of MANY sacrifices for your bub. You can do it. Dr Joseph Riordan is a clinical psychologist who does hypno in Brisbane south. My dad quit after 2 sessions (smoked for 50 years!) Julie
- Also keep in mind our doctors tell us how dangerous sushi, ham and soft serve are and yet try to tell a mum that gives in and eat those that she shouldn’t have risked her baby and she’ll loose her shit, at least you are only doing this as it’s an addiction, not a craving. Lisa
- Each time you want a smoke, have a glass of water. Just keep trying to cut down and then you will stop good luck honey. Debbie
- I read Allen Carrs easy way to quit smoking when I fell pregnant with number 1 . Unfortunalty I took it back up again after her birth! Then I re read the book and it’s been over a year! You have nothing to lose by reading it … I fact I found a free PDF version on line. Bianca
- Go and get a scan of your little one and print a photo out and put it on you smoke packet, good luck it’s hard but worth it and congrats on the bubba. Tammy
- It’s not easy I have been there twice but since my last pregnancy I quit for good so this time round (11weeks now) it’s a lot easier. I personally went cold turkey. Kept myself crazy busy with my hands I did start out with the patches and the inhaler thingy but found they didn’t help get rid of the habit at all. I personally found art helpful. Paint by numbers I know sounds boring but anything to keep the hands busy. I also threw a spanner in the works and stopped drinking coffee and that always made me want to smoke! It’s not easy but you’re quitting for your little one! Again hard to be reminded there in there why you can’t feel them kicking or anything. Take each day as it comes and try to better each day. Call the quit line as they are there to help! Even just to have someone listen to you. Cravings do pass you just have to get through them. You can also go to a government drug and alcohol place (GP should be able to direct you) sounds silly but they have great strategies for what you can do as with any addiction. Good luck. Hope this helped. Cherie
- Don’t be so hard on yourself. With my 1st son I tried and tried to cut back and stop completely, but I was unsuccessful (BUT I was only having 2 or 3 a day). Funnily enough tho, after he was born, I just couldn’t stand it anymore, and quit using champix. I have been quit now since 2011 and haven’t looked back. Speak to ur midwives, see if they can offer u any advice, but please, do not be too hard on urself. Ur doing a good thing already by wanting to stop for the sake of the baby. Alison
- My best friend just had a premi baby and was in the special care unit for 3 weeks as she had very bad preeclampsia and needed to be induced at 34 weeks. .. when I was in there with her, my heart was breaking watching her cry and sob and she couldn’t pick up her little man when she wanted it had to be all timed… this is something I’d never wish upon anyone however her bub being premi was out of her control… please dig deep and find your inner strength as the guilt you will feel looking at your adorable little bundle struggling to survive Through a humi crib knowing through smoking put him/her there would be crippling and a whole lot Harder than to quit smoking. .. Maybe even visit your nearest special care unit to give you the incentive and reality check you may need. Nicole
- I was the same I’m 10 weeks now and I went a week’s then I had one. I find normal chewing gum helps so every time I feel like I really need one I have a piece of gum. It helps not having smokes in the house but when I go to my partner’s house is when I might have one because it’s around. Just keep trying your doing so good just take one day at a time. Nat
- I also found it hard. But then one day, they just made me feel yuck, and I didn’t want them anymore. I felt so guilty for that first few weeks though! I wish you all the luck! You’ll get there! Rowena
- Just keep going and you will be able to do it.. Keep cutting down day by day, that’s what I did… Kylie
- It’s a fantastic start that you have cut-down….like someone else said “Believe in Yourself” that you can do this….Good luck and be strong xx Albany
- Read Allen Carr’s Easy Way To Quit Smoking. I know a number of people who quit successfully after reading this book. . Roselea
- U will prob find soon that the smell n taste will put you off it. Be proud that he cutting down. You’re doing well. Christina
- I read Allen Carrs Easy way to stop smoking. The book totally reprogrammed the way I thought about smoking and I haven’t smoked since. Lorrie
- Everyone find things hard to either cut out or cut down but ur doing great by asking for advice early on in pregnancy. When my daughter was pregnant her midwife sent her to smoking sensation group and it helped now my grandson is 4 months she has occasional cigarette outside x so keep it up chick and don’t be too hard on yourself xxx Beverley
- I struggled too for the first few weeks but also by cutting down slowly I managed to kick the habit & haven’t had a ciggie for about 6 years now! Don’t even miss it. Not sure I have any useful tips but if you’re still struggling when you start to feel movement that might be a trigger as it will start to feel “real”. Keep cutting down & you’ll get there! Good luck! Fiona
- You can give up as I have given up for 87 days or 3 months. Anthony
- I was the same way! I had a toddler and pregnant and just missed the 5mins to myself. I stopped drinking coke, swapped to water, every time I felt like having one, I would have a drink, or I would grab a barley sugar. And then I kept thinking about the better start I was giving my baby and hoping I would be able to breastfeed this one, that did wonders to help me along. I was hard on myself as well. Good luck Hun xxxxx Jodie
- Something that kept me motivated was calling my husband if I thought I might crack and he gave me words of encouragement to get me through the craving. Also worked to call mum or a friend. Be honest with them but most of all with yourself x good luck. (Also I used to imagine holding my baby in my arms and smoking, I know horrible but I would think that if I wouldn’t do that then I couldn’t smoke with them in my belly) Best luck x you are doing the right thing asking for help. Rebecca
- You can do it you’ve taken the first step; you want to quit so you can. Danielle
- First of all congrats on your pregnancy & secondly well done for making the choice to quit. U should feel good about that & if you’re trying hard to cut down that’s even better. Just remember it takes 22days to break in or out of a habit. Also instead of saying to yourself or others that u r trying to give up change the words to “I will give up” say this constantly to help your subconscious self help u out. Sarah
- Good luck and wish you all the best! I don’t smoke myself but have heard that the cravings only last a few minutes so when you feel like one grab a carrot and by the time you are finished your craving should hopefully have passed. Anything’s worth a try. Big hug! Sherrealle
- That’s great you’ve been able to cut down so far. I think smoking is a big addiction and habit and it is soo hard to quit so don’t be hard on yourself. Look up what happens to your body each day you don’t smoke and it tells you how your body gets rid of the nicotine and starts repairing itself. Your cravings peak once the nicotine is gone so maybe it will help you understand what’s going on and look at it in a positive way and of course that your baby will be healthy. The first week is hard! Good luck mumma x Tess
- Just think of your baby lots and u will make the right choice. Just remember its a choice. Take control! Good luck mumma! Bec
- The biggest thing for me was to keep myself. Entertained, every time I felt like 1 I jumped on the government quit smoking app and played one of the many games they have, another help for me was to set a date that I would stop completely, I gave myself 3 weeks To cut down before my stop date came, I’ve been smoke free for over a year now. Holly
- Good luck, talk to u GP, they have some really helpful advice. Rebecca
- I was the same but then the morning sickness started and I gave it up straight away, please try the e-cigarette it should help a bit! Good luck I know how hard it is! Amanda
- Try hypnosis. I was exactly the same. I cut down with my first but really wanted to completely stop with this bub. I tried in my own but it did not work, no matter how bad I made myself feel. Hypnosis was really my last hope and have been smoke free for 4 months now. Good luck. Larissa
- Talk to your doctor for support and stop feeling guilty. You are doing the best that you can and that is all you can ask for. If you can quit then do it! Do the best that you can but if you can’t then that is what has to happen. I was not able to quit during my first two pregnancies and my kids are fine. I did manage to quit when my #2 was 2 years old. It was hard and you must have support. Good luck! Jordana
- I know how hard it is… I ended up smoking throughout my first pregnancy, smoking less as it went on…I gave up the day I started maternity leave, that was 2 & a half years ago! I’ve never looked back. Take it one day at a time, speak to your doctor about it & don’t get too stressed. I wish you all the best! Linda
- I’m not a smoker but what about hypnotherapy? Good luck. Kellie
- My best friend and I have both quit overnight. My strategy is the following… As hard as it is I just tell me self. I simply cannot and am not allowed… There are days where I am so tempted as the addiction has truly not left me… There are some doctors who state that cutting out all together is stressful for the mum half the intake and then cut down… But having said that my strategy was simply that I can’t… You know that feeling when you really need to get some event it party and you just don’t have the lift or money for the ticket… And you simply say I can’t literally attend… Or make it? It’s giving myself no options and telling myself that I have a choice to do whatever I want to me… But my first priority, aim, goal is to protect my child and nourish him… Quitting is part of protecting my kid…Zepiur
- Just take your time if you set yourself a goal say each keep cutting one or two out pert day before you know you will be down to one and see that there is almost no point in smoking anymore good luck:) Jess
- Just keep going! You’ll get there!! Emily
- When I found out I was pregnant I guilted myself into quitting. I thought about the fact my baby would be starved of oxygen for 3 seconds every time I took a draw of the cigarette. I found out I was pregnant in the morning and by the afternoon I felt so sick with guilt I didn’t touch another cigarette until my son was 6 months old. Lee
- Try using spearmint tic tacs or mintees to help you stop…. have one when you want a smoke. Caro
- I found it very hard to quit with my second one… cutting down is a fantastic start… eventually you will crave less and less…try to pull out only one smoke and make it last for two cigarette breaks.. and then three…also a great trick I learned is figure out what your triggers are i.e. mine was with my coffee… so I had a small coffee in the kitchen and drank it quickly so I didn’t have a chance to light up…also when I was on the phone to my friends..So I didn’t go on my balcony to talk and smoke I went into my room and only talked briefly… eventually you will get there, I promise… Natalia
- I gave up smoking over 10 years ago. I replaced cigarettes with grapes. Every time I wanted a cigarette I grabbed a handful of grapes, got up and did something. Wash the dishes. Vacuum etc. I also had a bub 8 mths ago and had to give up all junk food, fats etc due to gestational diabetes. I found thinking of my unborn baby, of her health and the damage that could be done to her little body if I didn’t stick to my eating plan was all the encouragement I needed. It’s amazing what your mind can do. I ended up 15kg lighter when she was born and she had no problems good luck. This is the first of many mental challenges as a mum. Kathryn
- Good luck speak to your health care provider for tips as well xx Sarah
- You’ve just said it – you’ve been cutting down every day – now you just need lots of support and encouragement – I don’t smoke but I love coffee – with my first I couldn’t go near the stuff, nor could I eat chocolate or anything that wasn’t healthy lol but, with my second by 6 mths I was asking for an early Glucose tolerance test due to all the crap that went down my throat – the doctor just laughed at me but I felt so badly. As long as you’re trying and you’ve cut down – and you’re trying no one can ask for more DO NOT beat yourself up about it – you’ve probably been smoking for a long time and it is not going to be given up over night – habits take time to change plus you have hormones too – so hang in there and keep positive supportive people around you – I’m Batting for you if it helps any. Jacqueline
- You can do it! it sounds like you have been trying hard already, just take it one day at a time. Allie
- I was lucky, the only thing that made me feel ill was smoking so it made it a lot easier for me to give up. I wouldn’t try cold turkey if I were you as it’s such a shock to your system it could cause complications. Yours and your baby’s health is paramount so start with cutting down. Once the stretch between each cigarette begins to feel as if you can’t stretch it any further, cut down the amount of the cigarette you smoke. Even if you end up having 2 smokes per day by the end of your pregnancy that is for no one else to judge if you’ve tried your best. Good luck mumma, making the decision to try is a fantastic step. Lisa
- I was the say, I had hypnosis, had 3 sessions and have quit successfully…….. I also had depression on top of quitting so it can be done….. Chin up and good luck…..pm me if you want to chat or debrief. Susan
- You can do it! Sorry I have no advice, but I believe anyone can quit if they want to. Roger
- This sounds silly but it worked for me… Roll up a piece of paper and when you feel like one suck on it it brings the air through like a ciggie. You can do it!!! It just takes time but keep cutting down and you will get there x Shari
- Have you thought of hypnosis? Even put a rubber band around your wrist and when you think about having one flick it? Hehe not sure that one will help with smoking but it has helped with other habits. Trista
- It’s not easy, I respect you for trying. There is no easy answer but try holding a pencil between your fingers, fill the fridge with healthy snacks- carrot, cucumber etc. try to keep busy and once you have had a scan put it where you see it all the time to remind yourself why you’re doing it, if you can’t quit then remember each one you don’t have helps so try cutting right back. Good luck and congratulations. Ps do not listen to others who will judge, surround yourself with supportive positive people. Take care. Lindy
- Aw mate, you can do it. I quit cold turkey a couple of months before I fell pregnant. I am now smoking again unfortunately, but one thing I am VERY proud of is that I didn’t smoke through the pregnancy. When you feel like one take a good look at your ultrasound pic. Do whatever it takes (chocolate, nap, deep breaths, a walk) & you usually find within 5 minutes the craving will pass. If you do have one, don’t beat yourself up, but resolve the next day to start again. It’s such a small & short-term sacrifice for such a large and amazing gain! Good luck!!! Adriana
- Be kind to yourself. Focus on what a great job you have done to cut back!! The only reason it was so easy for me was because the smell made me very sick. Keep cutting back and before you know it you won’t be having any!! Aimee
- My Dr said as I struggled to quit straight up he suggested I cut down each week, and make a note of what triggers made me want a smoke, so I kept a diary and went from there it took me a long time to stop but got there. Also I was already 10 weeks when I found out and was relieved to know my naughty habits did not affect bubba. Good luck on your journey xx Kylie
- Just think how it will be better for your baby if you don’t smoke! That’s what helped me quit! They need the best start in life! Every time you feel like a cigarette look at your belly good luck. Erin
- It is hard to give up I still get cravings and I’m at 39 weeks but I just thought of it like I had no choice, it was something i had to do… for myself and for bub… It comes down to mind over matter in the end… good luck. Chelsea
- You have done amazingly well to cut down honestly I think as long as you can regulate it a bit and just talk to your doctor I think you and bub will be fine. Nadine
- Keep yourself busy, understand your triggers. Alana
- Do the best you can slowly cut back instead of having a full ciggie have half then quarter before you know it you will be having none goodluck and congrats. Belinda
- Replace the smoking with cut up bits of a drinking straw and occupy yourself with cleaning or a hobby, take away anything that link to smoking i.e. coffee and other smokers. Apreinia
- Just stay strong. You will get there but you need to believe in yourself that you can do it and you will just remember why you’re doing it… I had to quit both times I was pregnant and it is hard but you do get there… Just keep cutting down. Cold turkey is the worst. Jami-Lee
- My mum found that rather than focusing on all the cigarettes she did have focus on and “reward yourself” for every cigarette you don’t have worked well for her! Beth
- Cutting back slowly the best way to do it cos if u go cold turkey like I did it can stress bub smokes made me sick for bub 2 so was easy. Sarah
- I quit before I conceived but I also said to myself that my body was no longer for me it was now the home of my baby. I visualised my baby growing in my tummy in its own home and the thought of filling its tiny home full of smoke for it to live in was enough. Verlie
- The hardest part is the habits. I was so used to lighting up after a meal etc. I cut those habits out one by one and when finally ready to stop the smoking I found it much easier. Start filling your time with other activities. I do x-stitch to keep my hands busy. Go for a walk when you start feeling like a smoke. Well done for cutting down. That’s a fantastic start and don’t be so hard on yourself if you have an extra smoke. This all takes time. You have done much better than me because I’ll admit I smoked through my 1st 3 pregnancies without a thought to attempting to stop. Stopped 2.5 years before falling pregnant with number 4. Karen
- Wear a patch Hunnie. Not too sure if you can wear one pregnant as I have never smoked during my pregnancies. Keep doing what you are doing, you doing a good job for cutting down in the first place and I know how hard it was. Maybe speak to your doctor and see was the best solution is for you to Quit smoking. Good luck and let us know how it all goes xxx Jessica
- Try to cut out one smoke for a few days then try cutting out 2 after that and so on. quitting isn’t easy but any cigarette u cut out is a start. Well done on making this decision! You are very brave! Panda
- E cigarettes help when u have real bad cravings. Kym