
Baby Hints & Tips

{REVIEW + GIVEAWAY} Dettol Cleaning Products [CLOSED]


**This giveaway is now CLOSED. Congratulations to the winner, Amanda!**

Review by Sarah

This review is sponsored, but all opinions expressed are my own.

So yesterday I had a play with the Multi Purpose Spray, Multi Purpose Wipes (my favourite!) and the Floor Cleaning System (make sure you check out that review). Today, I tackled my bathroom shower.

I am very lucky to have had my bathroom renovated six months ago, and I have been very very good and cleaned it weekly to make sure it is maintained. One of my pet peeves is mould in the shower tile grout (so ugly and so hard impossible to remove), so I am determined to keep it well away from my beautiful new bathroom.

But I worry. It almost keeps me up at night.

At the moment I am using microfiber cloths – and I’ve been surprised about how good a job they have been doing. And it’s great that I can clean while the kids are running around without worrying about them putting their hands in toxic spray.

But the tiles in the lower walls of my shower require a bit of elbow-grease – they get a bit of soap scum build-up, and while the microfiber cloth gets rid of it, I’d rather not work so hard (remember – I’m lazy have a very busy schedule). Plus there’s the grout (what if it’s growing and I can’t see it so I think I’m cleaning it all, but then one day I’ll suddenly have mould everywhere?!)

Time to whip out the Dettol Power and Pure Bathroom Spray and give that a whirl.

THE VERDICT: It definitely made things a lot easier. I just sprayed it on the tiles when I started cleaning, closed the shower screen so the kids couldn’t get in, and then jumped in when everything else was done. A fairly quick wipe down and it was done!


Now for the really fun part…

We have one of these super duper cleaning packs to give away to one of you lovely people, so you too can get excited about cleaning your tiles and greasy cupboards. All you have to do is enter your details and answer the question below.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

What is the worst mess your child has ever created?

The response that makes me laugh/cry/cringe with embarrassment the most wins the pack!



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