
Baby Hints & Tips

Starting Christmas Traditions with a New Baby

Newborn baby boy Santa Claus with Christmas giftsThis is my first Christmas with my new baby and I’m just after some Christmas traditions ideas that I can start up. I never had anything like that when I grew up so I have no ideas. TIA

  • When I was a child we got a keepsake to hang on our tree every Christmas we would pick our own and I’ve now started that with my daughter, she picked out her 2nd keepsake the other day.  Rebekah
  • Maybe start  with homemade gifts n treats. It’s more personal n inexpensive.  Brigitte
  • As a child me n my brothers got Santa sacks, single presents from mum n 1 for all of us. My kids now get Santa sacks from nanna n I’ve started getting a keepsake each yr for them to put on the tree.  Kyls
  • From both my babies first xmas onwards, weve made their own bauble. I buy a plain bauble and put their handprint on it, decorate it with the name and year. Its pretty cool to see how much their little hand grows each year.  Tamara
  • We brought a new tree the year i was pregnant with my first n very minimal decorations. We all pick out one pce each yeah to put on the tree. I have 2 boys so I can see our tree full of trucks n animals n such in years to come. I always pick something relivant to something thats happened in the last year.  Alexis
  • I let my kids pick an ornament for the tree each year. I also love a good Santa photo.  Rebecca
  • We have a christmas outfit that we are allowed to unwrap on Christmas Eve to wear the next day.  Katiee
  • I remember always wanting to open a present before Christmas day so this year I am starting the tradition of everybody (the kids, myself and my fiancee) all get to open one present on Christmas Eve. We will all get new pajamas to wear to bed that night so when we wake up we will have nice pajamas for the photos of us opening our presents.  Sarah
  • I like the idea of getting children new PJs Xmas eve so that when they wake and open presents they are in brand new PJs for photos. We also do lots of Xmas craft every year to see how they progress- handprints etc.  Lee
  • We have a first xmas babble on the tree with name and birth year on it……we also have santa sack that hang on door for santa then the children get to sit in our bed and open santa presents. We always have a special brekky of crossiants and champage/apple cider as it was the children g’ma in heaven favourite and they never got to meet her so we make sure the kids remember that there g’ma loves them.  Elita
  • Every Xmas eve (day) we bake Santa (me) cookies! We also put blankets and pillows all over the floor that night and watch Xmas carols and eat junk! This year I made Santa sacks and have decided that every year we’ll eat h all our home movies from that year! Santa photos of course and Xmas movies LOVE Christmas now that I have kids!  Hanna
  • Our tradition is to have Santa sacks at the ends of beds. They get to open those presents whenever they wake up and the presents under the tree are for when the family is up. In saying that, if only a baby then traditions like that aren’t relevant yet.  Sonia
  • It’s my boys first Christmas to. I had a tradition growing up that all us kids got to open one Christmas present before we go to bed I’ll be doing the same with my boy.  Regan
  • Christmas stockings, playing christmas music while decorating the tree, youngest child putting star on, personalised xmas baubles, on christmas day one person in family plays santa and hands out presents,  Ashleigh
  •  Where do you get these blank baubles to put handprints and birthdates on?  Anna
  • I got mine from spotlight. They had various sizes. Just plain ones. I painted it, let it dry, then handprinted & decorated it then sprayed it with clear laquer(sp?)  Tamara

What are you ideas for Christmas traditions?

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