Infant Sleep Advice: Baby Awake Times & Avoiding an Over-Tired Baby
Baby awake times are an overlooked, but crucial component of establishing positive sleep habits. Find expert guidance on suitable awake times for babies of different ages.
4 month old routine – sleep and your 4 month old baby
Q&A: Tell us about your 4 month old’s day. Roughly what time are they awake, asleep. How often do they feed (if bottles – how much)? What do you do with them when they are awake?
Camping bath
Im going camping soon n just wondering what everyone bathed their 4month old baby that cant sit up yet in? Tips for camping with a baby Plastic tub One of …
Baby refusing formula from bottle
Q&A: I would love to mix feed but I literally get 30ml from both breasts if I’m lucky in an expressing session. Does anyone in a similar situation have some advice? How can I stop baby refusing formula from bottle?
Teach baby to self settle
Q&A: my 3.5 month old always needs to be rocked to sleep, will suck constantly on his thumb, boob or fingers but refuses a dummy. Would like tips on how to teach baby to self settle as he gets so restless if we don’t help him to sleep.
The 4 Month Sleep Regression
Expert Tips: Sleep consultant, Jade, talks about the 4 month sleep regression. She discusses what it is, why it happens and how to manage the sleep changes.
Gentle techniques to discourage baby pinching
My 4 and a half month old has been pinching for a while now, What gentle techniques have you used to discourage this?
Tips to keep unswaddled baby in one place when asleep
Q&A: Looking for hints and tips to help my 4mo ds stay in one place while he sleeps!?!
Long haul travel with a baby
Travel with Tots share the tips they learnt while travelling long distance with their four month old.