Birth Stories: Queensland Delivers in Style
Ahem, Queensland. Exactly what is going on up there? While we’ve all be focused on Book Week and getting out hair done post lock down (we see you Melbourne!) it …
Should I masturbate during childbirth?
‘Would you masturbate during childbirth?’ isn’t something that is commonly asked or considered as a way to manage the pain of delivery, but are there merits to using self stimulation …
Precipitous Labour – 6 Facts You Need To Know About Rapid Labour
Precipitous Labour is commonly known as fast labour. While that might sound ideal, there can be a number of complications that can make this condition something to be aware of. …
C-sections and developmental delays: what is missing from the conversation
Roughly 300,000 babies are born in Australia each year. Of those births approximately 30%, or 90,000 babies will be born by caesarean section. That is a lot of you who …
Placenta chronicles – 5 ideas for using your placenta
The placenta. A slightly squeamish topic for some. Nevertheless ideas abound for using your placenta after delivery.
Going with the flow – tips for pregnancy and childbirth
For one mumma, going with the flow meant shrugging off mean comments about her size during pregnancy and appreciating that a natural birth isn’t always possible.
Bikini line challenges
When you get no warning you are about to have a baby, what do you think about? For Lou it was her bikini line that was lets just say a little overgrown.