
Tag: Breastmilk

Expressing, Storing & Managing Breast Milk

Midwife Tips: Expressing and storing breastmilk. Pump regularly or need to get organised for a special occasion, here are the best tips to get started.

lactation cookies

Lactation Cookies Recipe

Lactation Cookies are a specially designed biscuit to boost milk supply in breastfeeding Mums. Stop worrying about low supply and boost your breast milk with these yummy treats! Tips on …

Tattoo’s and Breastfeeding

What r people’s experiences with tattoo’s and breastfeeding? I’m wanting to get a couple small tattoo’s and am curious to know if ur buns behavior was different or unsettled? I …

Breastfed vs Formula: Mums Advice

Q&A Breast versus formula has been long debated, what’s your thoughts? In this day and age is one really better than the other?

Reasons to express breastmilk

Expressing breastmilk isn’t always easy, with many mums finding they can only express a small amount, or that it takes a long time to get the amount you need. Lynne-McKensey Hall IBCLC shares why expressing may be beneficial, and how you can tackle some of the common issues mums face.

I’m on empty! I need more milk!… Or do I?

Expert Tips: Lactation consultant shares tips on how to know if you have low milk supply and how to increase milk supply

baby refusing bottle

My Baby Will Not Take the Bottle

Q&A: HELP! returning to work in 1.5 wks, full time, and breastfed 5 mth old refuses a bottle, tried expressed and formula and diff teets, even starved her for a day in a desperate attempt. been trying for 5 wks …. any suggestions? have started to intro solids and water to get her thru day but doesn’t take much, will have water out of sippy cup but if I put any milk in she turns away.

drying up milk supply

Drying up milk supply

Q&A: Help!! I have decided to stop breast feeding. Now im really sore I have been expressing when I can but I had to go out today so it hasnt been done much! My question is what can I do to help with the pain and to stop my milk production?