
Tag: Co-sleeping

Co-Sleeping Custom bed

Co-Sleeping: A Giant, Custom Bed Made for Seven!

There’s one thing you can be sure of when you talk about co-sleeping on the interweb. It always causes massive debate. Some people can’t think of anything worse. And some …

Co-Sleeping? More like co-partying!

Co-Sleeping? More like co-partying!

Need a judgement free zone on co-sleeping? Read on for Lou’s hilarious take on this topic.

Attachment - relationship, not rules

Attachment parenting vs attachment theory

An insightful overview of attachment theory versus attachment parenting in theory and practice.

occasional co-sleeping

Occasional Co-Sleeping: Okay if you Choose It!

Should you co-sleep? Is co-sleeping okay? Co-sleeping is often a topic for debate. There are the camps absolutely pro co-sleeping and then the polarised opposite who say absolutely no way. …

Toddler wants to sleep with parents

My 13 month old daughter previously always slept in her own bed but for the last 2 months has been wanting to sleep with me and even if she’s dead …

When did you move baby out of your room into their own

When did you move baby out of your room into their own

Q&A: What should i do? keep her in or move her out into her cot? she’s a swaddled back sleeper, but is she getting too old for being in my room??


Transition from Co-Sleeping to Cot or bed

Q&A: Was it hard on you and your lo? How long did you co sleep for? Any tips on the transition would be greatly appreciated

Transition from Bassinet to Cot

Transition from Bassinet to Cot

Q&A: Does anyone have any advice for the transition from bassinet to cot for a 4 month old?

Co-Sleeping and Bedtime

Q&A: When you Co sleep, does baby/toddler/child go to bed the same time you do? Or do you settle them in your bed and then join them when you got to bed

The Co-Sleeping Debate and the Benefits of Infant-Parent Proximity

Read more about safe cosleeping and the benefits it can have for you and your baby.

co-sleeping experiences

Co-sleeping – yes or no?

Q&A: Did you Co-sleep? Why or why not?

Q&A with Dr Howard Chilton

Paediatrician Tips: Q&A with Dr Howard Chilton

Recently, we invited members of our Facebook page to submit questions for Dr Chilton to answer during a timed Q&A sessions. Questions ranged from sleeping issues to cysts on gums. Read on to see Dr Chilton’s response to each of the questions.

midwife tips co sleeping with baby

Midwife Tips: Co-Sleeping

An introduction to co-sleeping, and why it isn’t necessarily ‘bed sharing’.