Baby Shower Games + Free Baby Shower Printables
Create a baby shower that all of your friends will remember with these hilarious baby shower games free printables including guess the dirty nappy and baby gift bingo
New toys review: Chrono Bomb and Pass The Pen
Review of Chrono Bomb, Pass the Pen and Rubix’s Cube by our family of 3 children.
How to have a fun New Year’s Eve as a parent
Mix it up this New Year’s Eve. Three tips to guarantee fun for you and the kids (or at the very least give you a laugh).
3 Year Old Birthday Party Game Ideas
Q&A: What are your favourite (age appropriate) games for 3-5 year olds? Miss almost 3 has her party in a few weeks & I’ve covered everything bar games. Any Ideas? What was a hit at your 3 yr old party? P.s it’s a garden (butterflies bumble bees etc party).
First Birthday Party Games For Babies
Q&A: Hi there; I am planning my son’s first birthday party and am looking for some EASY party games to suit a variety of ages. I was thinking of doing pass the parcel, a treasure hunt with wrapped lollies and pin the tail on the donkey. Any other suggestions?
Simple handmade toys for baby
Instructions on making a scrunch bag (suitable for 4-18 month olds) plus other homemade toys. There is also information on the value of these toys for babies’ development.