Craft Ideas for Toddlers
Looking for some ideas for craft activities to do with your toddler? We have suggestions that will keep your little munchkin busy for hours.
Why Ball Play for Children of All Ages is Important
Our Early Childhood Educator, Jan Jones, explains why ball play is such an important part of a child’s development.
Sun Safety for Children: 10 Steps for Protecting Kid’s Skin
The weather is hot, hot, hot and our children’s sensitive skin can be easily damaged by the harsh Australian sun and heat. Here are some ways that you can protect their skin while still allowing them to enjoy themselves outside.
Gardening With Kids this Spring: Get Outside!
Spring is almost upon us and that means warmer weather and great conditions for gardening. Gardening 4 kids have shared some fun and practical ideas to get the kids outdoors and active in the garden this spring.
10 Places to go with Kids in the Blue Mountains
If you are looking for a family day out, then we have found 10 places to go with kids in the Blue Mountains. Some awesome family friendly activities that are …
5 tips for less cooking time and more play time!
Dinner time always seems to coincide with the time of day that our children always need us the most. Instead of juggling whinging tired kids and a stove full of pans, try these tips to give you more time in the evenings (and less stress too!)
Best play parks in Cairns
If you’re looking for some awesome, family-friendly places to go with the kids in North Queensland, here are some of the best play parks in Cairns!
The best play spaces in Sydney for mums and babies
Looking for the best play spaces in Sydney for your next play date? Read on to find our top recommendations. Sydney is a hustling and bustling city known for its …
6 Amazing ideas for Build A Bear you never thought of
We all know that Build A Bear is an awesome destination to take the kids for an unforgettable day out, but we found some of the coolest ideas to take …
7 Fun Daddy-kid date ideas
Let’s be clear about something – dads don’t babysit and they don’t run “daddy day care”. They parent and they spend time with their kids. But you know that already …
This Kmart Cubby House is the talk of the town
The Kmart kid’s cubby house for only $199 is the bargain of the century and parents all over the country are getting creative with how they can tizzy them up …
Building Resilience in Children
Tips for building resilience in children. Research suggests that a child’s resilience is one of the biggest indicators of success in life. So lets build them up
{CRAFT} Make your own fairy garden
Have a little fairy in the family, or want to get the kids more involved in the garden? Why not create a fairy garden?
{Expert tips} Baby-sitting clubs
Do you find that it is difficult to find someone you trust to look after your children? Do you feel guilty asking friends or relatives to baby-sit? Do you feel you often need to pay for a baby-sitter? A baby-sitting club is the ideal way to solve some of these issues.
Minimising mess with craft
Q&A: Do you do much craft at home? How do you control the mess? Or do you just let them go and worry about it later?
Baby Walkers and Jolly Jumpers
Q&A: Would love your opinions on walkers and jumpers. Good fun? Dangerous? Bad for feet and hips?
An Invitation to Explore & Learn: Learning Through Play!
Play comes naturally to most children. They love to explore, poke at things and move them about in ways that they’re probably not designed to be moved. In doing all of these things that we often look at as ‘messy’ or ‘destructive’, our children are exploring and learning. They are learning in the most valuable way – through play!
Water play
Kids love the water, and there are so many ways to incorporate it into playtime. With summer on the way, Jan Jones shares a number of water activities that we can use with our 0-6 year olds that are fun and will keep them entertained for hours.
Best Play Space Ideas for Babies and Toddlers
Babies inhabit the floor – and it is a very different world to what we are used to. Jan Jones, our early childhood expert, challenges us to get down and see things from our baby’s perspective and provides a range of activities to allow us to play at their level.
Early Childhood Tips: Block Play
Block play can do more than simply entertain your toddler. Our early childhood expert, Jan Jones, explains how it can help with their development, and the best ways to implement it.
Creative development in babies and toddlers
Children grow naturally – therefore, given the right environment most will grow into happy well-adjusted human beings. Jan Jones explains how the carer’s rule is to enhance the setting and respond to their interests, answer their questions and cater for their energy, and encouraging them to take advantage of the moment.
Stages of Development by Age (12 months to 5 years)
Jan Jones lists the stages of development from 12 months to five years. She covers developmental milestones for skills such as fine, gross and social, as well as speech and language, and suggests ways to encourage development at home.
Which apps for kids? Our Mums Tell!
Q&A: Which apps do you recommend for kids?
Play and learning activities (0-9 months)
Jan Jones provides a comprehensive list of activities that you can use during playtime with your 0-9 month old.
Play and Leisure Resources for your Baby
Jan Jones provides an extensive list of play and leisure activities to stimulate particular areas of learning from birth right up until 12 years old.
General playtime ideas
Q&A: Hi I was just wanting to know if anyone has any cheap fun, educational, fast ideas I can do with my 15mth old. As I’ve got an 8 week old also n I don’t get a lot of time spare but I don’t want her left out either.
Indoor Activities
Indoor play activity suggestions from other parents:
Bathroom cleaning routine
Have more time to play (or even have some time to yourself) with these bathroom cleaning tips.
Cleaning with your children
Get your children involved in cleaning the house! At the beginning they may not be helpful, however they are distracted while you clean and it wont be long before they are more help
5 tips to make cleaning easier and quicker
Find some more time to play with the kids (or even to have a cuppa) with these general cleaning tips.