
Baby Hints & Tips

Top Baby Girl Names In England and Wales in 2014

Top Baby Girl Names In England and Wales in 2014The Office of National Statistics have release the top baby names in England and Wales for 2014.

Amelia is the top girls name and has been since 2011.
Lily has moved into the top 10, pushing Mia out.

New girl names on the list include Thea, Darcie, Lottie , Harper, Nancy and Robyn. Names no longer in the top 100 include Niamh, Paige, Skye, Tilly, Isobel, Maddison ad Madison.

Read about the top 100 baby boy names here

1: Amelia51: Willow
2: Olivia52: Bella
3: Isla53: Annabelle
4: Emily54: Ivy
5: Poppy55: Amber
6: Ava56: Emilia
7: Isabella57: Emma
8: Jessica58: Summer
9: Lily59: Hannah
10: Sophie60: Eleanor
11: Grace61: Harriet
12: Sophia62: Rose
13: Mia63: Amelie
14: Evie64: Lexi
15: Ruby65: Megan
16: Ella66: Gracie
17: Scarlett67: Zara
18: Isabelle68: Lacey
19: Chloe69: Martha
20: Sienna70: Anna
21: Freya71: Violet
22: Phoebe72: Darcey
23: Charlotte73: Maria
24: Daisy74: Maryam
25: Alice75: Brooke
26: Florence76: Aisha
27: Eva77: Katie
28: Sofia78: Leah
29: Millie79: Thea
30: Lucy80: Darcie
31: Evelyn81: Hollie
32: Elsie82: Amy
33: Rosie83: Mollie
34: Imogen84: Heidi
35: Lola85: Lottie
36: Matilda86: Bethany
37: Elizabeth87: Francesca
38: Layla88: Faith
39: Holly89: Harper
40: Lilly90: Nancy
41: Molly91: Beatrice
42: Erin92: Isabel
43: Ellie93: Darcy
44: Maisie94: Lydia
45: Maya95: Sarah
46: Abigail96: Sara
47:  Eliza97:  Juila
48: Georgia98: Victoria
49: Jasmine99: Zoe
50: Esme100: Robyn

The top 100 baby boy names in Australia in 2014
The top 100 baby girl names in Australia in 2014

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