
Baby Hints & Tips

TTC for 4 years with no success

I am 23 years old and have been trying to conceive for 4 years with no luck. I have pcos and endometriosis. I am so ready to be a mum and its not happening. Could people please share their experiences with me. It breaks my heart.

Read our article on what not to say to someone struggling with fertility

  • Thank you to everyone who is taking the time to share their experiences with me. I congratulate you all on your prefect little bundles of joy. You have all given me a little more light for the darkness. I just want this miracle more than ive ever wanted anything. Nikita
  • TTC a couple years. Had the following: Laproscopy, Hysteroscopy, Tubal-Dye Studies and Ovarian Drilling. During this surgery they discovered PCOS and endo (very mild). Was on 50mg clomid (days 2-7). Had two failed assisted insemminations. Next step was IVF. Stopped all treatment and joined weight watchers (was waiting for health insurance to kick over to cover IVF). 12 weeks after starting weight watchers I was 4 weeks pregnant (unassisted). Have now got two naturally conceived bubs while suffering with PCOS and endo. Sara
  • I have pcos and endometriosis as well, my husband and I tried for 13 years and 26 fertility cycles. Our beautiful miracle boy was born in December 2013, I was 38. He was conceived with assistance from repromed adelaide OI with FSH and natural suppliments from sharkeys healing world in Queensland. We sold our house to continue treatment, people told me I was crazy using our house money for fertility, but my thoughts were i can buy a house when im 50, but i cant have a baby then – and oh how he was worth every treatment, operation and sacrifice Katherine
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS before we conceived our little miss (who is 3 this year). I went to a chinese doctor who changed my life. I had regular acupuncture & took prescribed herbs. Within 3 months of seeing him, I fell pregnant. Some things he told me: don’t eat/drink anything too cold/frozen as your body works too hard to process it, buy meat with no added hormones/sprays, clean up your diet – fresh fruit & veg, no high impact exercise ie.running, jumping. I did everything he said & got my miracle. Good luck! Shannon
  • I have PCOS and was told I would never have kids, and I now have an 8 month old son, when you stop purposely trying it happens on its own. Good luck Stacey
  • Chinese medicine Cherie
  • Start of last year I was diagnosed with both, so I was careless and ended up pregnant after a month of being with my partner (now ex). It was certainly a shock but I guess it goes to show that it can happen. I was also taking metformin and diet changes are meant to be really good. Kristy
  • I was diagnosed with pcos 5 yrs ago and was told the likelihood of me having children was extremely unlikely… I went to a naturopath changed my diet took everything she told me to and which was only 3 years ago… I now have a 6 month old perfect little boy and my last ultrasound showed no cysts and had my fertility tested and I am super fertile… so from outcome looking bleak to starting my family… you may need to shop around with naturopaths as some live up to the stereotype of crazy… but my naturopath is very clinical in her approach even gets you to do a blood test… Lou
  • I don’t know if this helps for this case. But I had a friend who tried with her husband for 10 yrs but could not conceive. Eventually for some reason I can’t remember, they both cut all dairy from their diet. They now have 3 beautiful children and swear that it was due to cutting out dairy products. Sandra
  • I dont know how im suppossed to give up or stop trying and let it just happen. Ive tried this but wanting something so much for so long it is too hard to do this. At the end of the day it still runs through my head. Nikita
  • I tried for casually for 5yrs to have a baby. It wasn’t until my dad in law passed away that I had a boy so we all like to think that the spirits brought him to us. I suffered terrible pains prior and during a period after having a MC- unknown at the time. I was tested for endometriosis, etc with keyhole surgery then finally diagnosed with PMDD, I was 27 when my son was born. Nellie
  • I highly recommend Chinese medicine (in particular acupuncture). I was diagnosed with PCOS years ago. After trying everything else with no luck, I am now pregnant with my second baby thanks to acupuncture! Alisia
  • Don’t stress over it. I have PCOS and was told I would never have children. We tried for years to fall pregnant and I was upset every month. I decided one month that if it was meant to happen it would and completely left it up to the universe. I got a tattoo with: just breathe, if it’s meant to be, it will find its way. 2 months later I was pregnant. Just enjoy yourself and give your body a couple of months rest from the stress. Then look at seeing a doctor about metformin if your not already on it. Acupuncture worked for my friend who also has PCOS. Good luck! Jas
  • my sister (26yrs old) has both PCOS and endometriosis and has had surgeries, medication, severe pain and burst cysts since a teenager. She is now happily 12 weeks pregnant which happened naturally. She was very lucky in that it happened after trying for only 6 months- so it is possible!! Nicole
  • I had ovarian drilling and endo removal. It’s quite an extreme solution but it worked. Turned out I was very messy in there so I’m so glad I had the surgery. Fell pregnant 6 months later and my period came back when breast fed baby was 14 months old. (I had only a few periods in the 2 years between coming off the pill and surgery ) Also diet, exercise and lifestyle can play a HUGE part in pcos if you are not in a healthy weight range. Prue
  • stop trying. it seriously works. Focus on something else for a while or start a project. I went to see a naturopath and he helped get my body in balance again, next thing I knew, I was pregnent with my first. 4 years ago I was told I couldnt have any and now i have 2 babies. best of luck to you. Belinda
  • I would recommend a consult with a fertility spec.. then u would know ur options . We tried for 5 yrs to have our second and tried all the potions and pills and the “stop trying” didnt work.. dr put me on clomid now have a six month old girl Mel
  • I was diagnosed with endo at 19 and had 4 laparoscopies in 4 years. At 22 I had a miscarriage and as a result of residual pain months later, they discovered I had pcos as well. My now husband and I never actively were trying throughout those years but weren’t using protection as I was told it would be near impossible for it to happen on it’s own anyway. We started ttc straight after our wedding when I was 27 and fell pregnant within the 2nd month. No intervention needed and I now have a beautiful 7 month old. Have patients and try to relax through the whole process, I think the stress of it all puts a lot of strain on our bodies. I also lost some weight and no longer have pcos anymore. Good luck, I know how tough it is and how depressing not getting pregnant can be but I now cherish my daughter so much more because she is my miracle. Laura
  • Go and try accupunture i had trouble conceiving for 2 and a half years tried accupunture and feel pregnant now have an 8 week old Amber
  • A friend of mine lost all her minor cysts and her three large cysts dramatically reduced in size after a good few months without wheat and sugar. Kelsie

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