Looking for other parents experiences with baby umbilical hernias.
Did it resolve by itself over time and if so what age was your baby when it did?
- 99% of umbilical hernias will repair themselves by the age of 3-4 years old. My niece had a large one that disappeared by 4 years and my premmie son had one that was gone by 7-8 months. Karen
- My son’s (which was a mild hernia) healed itself by about 3 months. When he started rolling and using his core muscles and the like. Kirralee
- my little girl had one from about 4 weeks, was about 1 1/2 to 2cm and it resolved itself around 4-5 months! Nicole
- My son had one from about 5 weeks, and it disappeared at around 8/9weeks. Vanessa
- My DS developed one at around 4weeks at 5months it had gone down but he still has a small hole in the muscle. The paediatric surgeon said just to keep an eye on it as bowel could still get caught through the hole (but it is only a very small possibility of that) until approx 2yrs when the muscle should have fully healed over Monique
- My LO developed one at about 4 weeks old. Now at 4.5 months it has completely resolved. Leanne
- My daughter had one and it went away by itself when she was about 5/6 months. Our child health nurse said that they usually go away by the time they’re 1 Jessica
- My son had one. It went away on it’s own. We just had to make sure his nappy was tight over it for a little while. Was prob gone by 3 months Bec
- My son had a huge one. It started to go down all by itself at 3 months of age. Basically when he started trying to sit up and was constantly using his tummy muscles it pulled it back in. He is now 4 & a half months and it’s completely gone. Kiri
- My 7 week old has one currently so I am also keen to know others experiences. Hers is quite large so we have been given a referral to see a surgeon, however I understand they generally resolve themselves by 2. So wait and watch for a while. Nicole
- Our sons resolved itself, and at 13mo is pretty much nonexistent. My step neices did not had she had to have surgery at 2yrs old. Courtney