
Baby Development

The one month old baby sleep routine - what to expect at four weeks old

Baby Development Milestones

What can you expect as your baby grows?  Baby Hints and Tips brings you expert information on baby development, milestones and the challenges you may face as your baby gets older.  We bring you expert information on baby developmental phases as well as insights from a quarter of a million mums who’ve been there before.  At Baby Hints and Tips we never judge; we just bring you all the facts you need to help make the best decisions for your little person.  Stages are as unique as your baby, we’ll help you get the most from every month.

hates tummy time

The Importance and benefits of Tummy Time for babies

Tummy time, the practice of placing a baby on their stomach while they are awake and supervised, is essential for healthy development in infants. According to resources from Royal Children’s …

Baby Won't Keep Hat On

Baby Won’t Keep Hat On

Community advice to help with an 11 month old baby who wont keep their hat on. Suggestions include using a hat with a chin strap, persistence and more ideas.

Hip dysplasia

Tips for Hip Dysplasia Diagnosis at 10 Months

Q&A: My daughter is 10 months old and has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia. She has a rhino brace and has to wear it for 3 months. She was previously extremely active and now is limited with her movements causing her to get very frustrated.

choosing the best dummy

Choosing the Best Dummy for Baby

Choosing the best dummy for baby can make life a whole lot easier for the whole fam. Here’s what you need to know about choosing the best dummy for your …

Speech Pathologist: Baby Communication Milestones

Speech Pathologist: Baby communication milestones. Development of milestones such as smiles, gazing, crying, laughing and smiling, discriminating sounds

sleeping 10 month old following her daily routine

10 month old routine – sleep and your 10 month old baby

We asked our sleep expert and community of Aussie mums about their 10 month old routine including how often their child sleeps, plays and what they eat.

Hates tummy time

Baby Hates Tummy Time: Expert Paediatric Physio Advice

If you have a baby you’ve undoubtedly heard people talking about tummy time! You might however be feeling confused if your baby hates tummy time just what you should do? …

what to expect for a newborn

What To Expect With A Newborn

What to expect with a newborn. Routines, feeding and sleep for your new baby

baby wonder weeks

The Baby Wonder Weeks – BIG Developmental Leaps By Newborn Age

The Baby Wonder Weeks – Tracking BIG Developmental Leaps by Newborn Age The newborn stage has long been a mystery to many parents. Growing, crying, wind pain, questions about colic …

Expand your toddler's vocabulary

Why you should expand your toddler’s vocabulary

Has your toddler started to string words together to make cute little sentences? Here’s why now is the perfect time to expand your toddler’s vocabulary. Any parent of a child …

Baby Playtime - Baby Reading a Book

The baby books Australia loves! 5 of the best Aussie stories for little ones

There are some baby books Australia simply loves. We’ve compiled a list of 5 fabulous Australian titles guaranteed to foster learning with little ones.

C-sections and developmental delays: what is missing from the conversation

Roughly 300,000 babies are born in Australia each year. Of those births approximately 30%, or 90,000 babies will be born by caesarean section. That is a lot of you who …

Treasure basket - simple play ideas for babies

Treasure basket – simple play ideas for babies

We love the simplicity that comes with treasure baskets. Read on to find out all the tips for creating your own. You will love how baby responds, and give a sigh of relief as your toy collection is de-cluttered and organised.

later roller

Late Roller

Late roller – mum asks about other parents experiences with baby rolling late. Parents share the ages their baby rolled and some tips to encourage rolling

Empathy: growing children who care

Empathy: Growing Children Who Care

Ever wondered how you can foster caring in your child? Your behaviour is likely to have an impact.

Difficult baby? Surprising research

Difficult baby? Surprising Research

Difficult baby does not equate to difficult child

clingy 11 month old

Clingy 11 month old baby

Clingy 11 month old baby – mum asks about tips to manage separation anxiety in her baby

baby swimming lessons

When to start baby swimming lessons

Q&A: When did you you start swimming lessons with your baby? What age were they?

baby prefers others over mum

Baby prefers others over mum

Q&A: My baby is 10 weeks old and I feel like he doesn’t prefer me to others. I’ve never been overly maternal so I don’t know if he picks up on this! He is breastfed with a formula before bed which his dad feeds him. My Aunty looks after him once a week for a few hours while I shop and it seems he smiles and loves being with her more than me. It has pretty much always been this way, it’s not a stage. Anyone else feel like this?

Throwing food from the high chair

Q&A: My 9 month old baby is going through a stage of throwing food from the high chair to the floor. Does anyone have any gentle ways to discourage this?

ideas to entertain baby

7 No Cost Ways To Entertain With Baby!

7 ideas to entertain baby at NO cost. You don’t need to spend money to keep baby happy and active. Here are some great games and activities for you and baby

Baby apps suggestions to track feeds, sleep and nappy changes

Q&A: Just wondering if there are any recommendations on free baby apps for my phone to record a newborns feeding that covers breastfeeding, formula and expressed milk? Would be an added bonus if it has sleep and nappy recording

Discouraging thumb sucking baby

Q&A: My month old baby has discovered her thumb and putting it in her mouth! Is there any way I can stop her and how can I gently discourage it. She does use a dummy.

Encouraging Baby to sit up

Q&A: I’m after advice on how I can encourage my 7 month old to sit up by himself. I spend a lot of time with him on the floor in between my legs but that doesn’t seem to be working as he flops to his side.

First and second child behaviour and sleep differences

Q&A: How did your second child compare to your first child in sleep and behaviour? My older daughter will be 3 when the baby is born.

why crawling is important

Importance of baby crawling

Crawling is more than just your baby’s way of getting around before they walk. Learn more about the importance of baby crawling and how it is a milestone that is crucial in …

Self Settling Books

Q&A: Can anyone suggest any baby books to read for teaching self-settling, routines etc.

benefits of baby swimming

When can your baby start swimming lessons?

Parenting Tips: At what age did your little one start swimming? And any recommendations for centres in SA in the north eastern suburbs that are reasonably priced?

Milestones – What age did your little one start to roll?

What age did your little one start to roll?

Swimming lessons for baby

Have you found swimming lessons a useful introduction to water for bub?