Single Umbilical Artery
Single umbilical artery – parents share their experience with single umbilical artery (SUA) in pregnancy and the outcome for their baby
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)
Q&A: Can anyone please share their experiences with symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD)?
Decreased Foetal Movement: Preventing a Stillbirth
This article is a contribution by Penny, a registered nurse and midwife with 20 years experience in nursing and 10 years in midwifery. She is also a mum to two …
Irritable Uterus – What is it? What are the issues? What do you need to know?
Irritable Uterus: Mums share their experience with an irritable uterus and if they carried baby to term
Difficult Pregnancy: When things don’t go according to plan
Did you go through a difficult pregnancy? With health scares for her and bub along the way, Cathy shares her story for other mums to find hope!
Ask an expert – pregnancy category drugs. Which medicines are safe in pregnancy?
Learn about safe medicines in pregnancy. Our expert pharmacist, Tanya Burgess explains pregnancy category drugs and how to keep your baby safe.
Agitated when pregnant
Agitated when pregnant – I am 5 months pregnant and easily agitated. Parents share their tips to manage the crazy pregnancy hormones
Rhesus Negative blood type in pregnancy
Q&A: Has anyone had any experience with being a Rhesus negative blood type and have previously given birth to a Rhesus positive baby? I understand subsequent pregnancies can be high risk after giving birth to Rh+ baby and would like to know how other people have gone with their following pregnancies. (Obviously i will be having the anti D injections).
Iron infusion in pregnancy
Low iron in pregnancy can show as tiredness and a lack of energy to do day to day tasks. Mums share their experience with having an iron infusion during pregnancy to boost their iron levels.
Pre-eclampsia Experiences
Pre-eclampsia experiences. Mums share their journey with pre-eclampsia and hypertension in pregnancy and the outcome for themselves and baby
Morning Sickness: Community Tips
Q&A: Help!! I have really bad morning sickness. I constantly feel like I am going to throw up and I don’t feel like eating anything. What can I do to make myself feel better?
Best way to sleep when pregnant
Tips: Up and down to the toilet, can’t get comfortable, your mind is racing, heartburn….there are so many reasons why sleep during pregnancy can be a challenge.U
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes – expert advice on risk, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment and what to eat when diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
Harmony test experiences
Q&A: Has anyone had the harmony test? (Blood test for downs and genetic anomalies) how long did it take to get results and will you also be told gender if you wish?
Pelvic pain in pregnancy
Q&A: Has anyone experienced pelvic pain when pregnant and how did you cope with it?
Irritable Uterus
Q&A: I’m after people’s experience with an irritable uterus. I’m just wondering if many other people had this problem? If so, what was your experience? And did you end up carrying your baby to term?
Placenta Praevia Explained
Placenta praevia is a serious condition that occurs during pregnancy whereby the baby’s placenta is implanted near to, or over, the cervical canal. “As the cervix dilates at the start …
Experiences with a short cervix
Q&A: I would love to hear about people’s experiences with a short cervix. I’ve just been told mine is around 2.4cm at 19 weeks and had to go on progesterone to try and stop it shortening more.
How long did your Miscarriage Symptoms last?
Q&A: I found out two weeks ago that my early pregnancy wasn’t viable, and two days ago started heavily bleeding and badly cramping and going through my miscarriage. How long did your miscarriage symptoms last?
Sleep In Pregnancy Second Trimester
Community Tips: Sleep In Pregnancy Second Trimester. Mums share their best tips for helping this mum who is 30 weeks pregnant to get some sleep
Pregnancy Sciatica
Q&A: I have been diagnosed with pregnancy sciatica. The dr has given me Panadene forte for those really painful days and has also recommended using my heat pack. Is there anything else that other mums do to help relieve the pain?
List of Which Foods help Morning Sickness
List of which foods help morning sickness and some information about each of them.Some also help with pregnancy cravings.Your pregnancy super hero foods
Experience with anxiety and panic attacks during pregnancy
Q&A: Did anyone have severe anxiety and panic attacks during their first pregnancy? If so, did you have the same experience with your next pregnancies?
What Helps Stretch Marks
Q&A: Can anyone recommend any home made or store bought products for stretch marks that actually work? I’m currently using BioOil
Migraine relief in Pregnancy
Q&A: Anyone have any suggestions as how to help relieve migraines during pregnancy?
Migraines in pregnancy
Q&A: Anyone have any suggestions as how to help relieve migraines during pregnancy?
Haemorrhoids while pregnant
Q&A: Just wondering for those who had haemorrhoids while pregnant. What sort of remedies did you use to help and did they go away after baby was born?
Baby measuring small on ultrasound
Q&A: I’m mid way through my pregnancy and at my ultrasound was told bub is measuring small. What’s your experience with this?
Carpal Tunnel in pregnancy
Q&A: Anyone else have Carpal Tunnel while pregnant? What were your experiences? I’m 38 weeks pregnant and have about 2 to 4 hours sleep a night due to cramping in my hands. It’s sending me a little loopy from the lack of sleep.
Experience with SRC Recovery Pants in pregnancy
Q&A: Just wondering if other mums have used ‘pregnancy pants’.