I am looking at storing my babies cord blood and tissue and was wondering if anyone else has done this?
- We went through CellCare to store our baby’s cord blood. We looked into a few and this company was competitively priced with a solid history in cord blood/tissue storage. Also, every contact we had with them was not only professional, but they seemed genuinely interested in us and our baby. We came to our decision to store the cord blood quite late in my pregnancy, but they were very efficient in getting the kit out to us in time and following up to ensure that we received it. Highly recommended. Victoria
- Yes, through Cell Care. Fantastic friendly service. Hopefully we never have to access it, but we are storing for at least 18 years. Then our son can decide what to do with it from there Lisa
- I did it but later discovered I couldn’t as I had been overseas to certain countries therefore I ended up donating it to medical students Kass
- We used cell care to store our little one’s cord blood + tissue & were really happy with the service. They were easy to deal with and the process was very straightforward (obstetrician did the collection and then picked up/transported for storage by a cell care courier). There’s so much great research occurring now about how it can be utilised to treat multiple serious conditions and we didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to have that option if we ever should need it. Their website/fb page has some good basic info that might help inform your decision & best wishes for your pregnancy! Elissa
- Being blood donors ourselves my husband and I discussed it but were informed that with increasing technology the things that they can get from the cord blood they can now get from swabs inside the mouth. We were recommended that unless we had any family history that would cause a need for it to be used that it’s probably an unnecessary expense (we thought that someone else may be able to use it but they don’t have a donation bank). Good luck with your impending arrival! Jenny
- Yep. I used cell care Australia. They were fantastic from go to whoa! Many payment options and staff were really easy to talk to and caring. Even follow up phone call, letter and certificate. Give them a call? Cellcare.com.au is their website Kat
- We did delayed cord clamping instead (and this is becoming more and more standard thankfully). Cord blood banking is not usually possible with this but the overall benefits of normal blood volume after birth as well as low chance of anaemia at 6 months of age (which is being shown to create life long health issues if it occurs and unfortunately it is quite common due to immediate cord clamping) outweighed any potential (and theoretical) benefits of banking the cord blood. Stem cells can be grown from cells within an adult and there is very little evidence that banked cord blood is useful (it’s a business after all and so will encourage customers to spend $ on it). Definitely worth doing some research. Bree
- Look into donating the cord blood rather than the private storage places. If your baby has cancer then they are not able to use their own cord blood and there at present isn’t many other benefits so private storage would be a huge waste of money. If they are a donor however at a cord blood bank then they get priority. Not only do they get to help others but if the day ever arises when they should need it, they are able to use it. Emilie
- Cell Care. Great to deal with. Very professional. Jasmine
- Cryosite are Australia’s oldest and respected company. You need a hospital and doctor that will agree to do it. We stored ours. We had no problems the legal issues paperwork were straight forward and the company was excellent. To me its like an insurance policy you hope you never need it but its there if you do. Peace of mind. Michelle
- Cryosite are great! And you get discounts on subsequent children’s cord blood storage. Dianne
- We used stemlife they were happy to adjust the payment plan to something we could manage and their service was fantastic. As others have mentioned we decided it was cheap insurance they may only have a few applications for the stem cells now but imagine in 10 or 20 years what they may come up with! Julie
- We used Cell Care and found them really good. The process was really easy and they were so helpful in answering any questions we had. The lady here in WA even dropped our kit to our house on the weekend because we left it a little late or organise. My OB did the collection but they have staff who come if your OB doesn’t do it. Naomi
- We used cell are for both our kids cord blood. They even give you a discount for siblings if you have more kids. They have a very comprehensive website or you can give them a call and they will explain. Otherwise happy to share our experience in more detail if you want more information. Alexandra
- We went with cell care. Very happy with their service and very friendly. Also they have a monthly payment plan. Melissa