Autism Journey: A Real Mum Shares her Autism Experience
We always want the best for our children, so what happens when you find out that that they will never have a ‘normal’ life? Megan shares her son’s journey towards an Autism diagnosis and the hopes that she has for him.
Coles launches quiet hour to create autism friendly shopping experience
Coles have revealed their newest initiative, Quiet Hour to assist families and individuals on the autism spectrum or suffering with sensory issues. Quiet Hour will roll out across 68 Coles …
Autism and Fussy Eaters
Fussy eating is a normal part of a toddler’s development between the ages of 18 months and 3 years, but sometimes it can result in food refusal or persist for a long time. Jan Jones provides information about how you can tackle fussy eating and what you shouldn’t do. (Information relates to both general fussy eaters, as well as more specific information for children who are on the autism spectrum)
How Occupational Therapy can Help Children with Autism
Chances are, if you haven’t needed an OT before, you don’t know how much they do and how much you are missing out on! Nicole explains how useful they can be for children with an Autism diagnosis.
What is Autism and What does it Look Like
Our Early Childhood expert, Jan Jones, explains what Autism is and how to recognise it.