ECV experiences
My baby has been persistently breech throughout my entire pregnancy. I am now in my last 6 weeks and the obstetrician is recommending an ECV. What are others experiences of …
Frank Breech Baby – Preparing for Delivery
Q&A: Has anyone had a vaginal frank breech delivery? Was it horrendous and full of intervention?
Does a breech birth mean a caesarean? Midwife tips
Finding out your baby is in a breech position can be frightening and, for some women, disappointing as it means they have to have a caesarean delivery – or do they? Midwife Caroline May explains why many breech babies are delivered by caesar and whether vaginal delivery can remain as one of your options.
Midwife Tips: Breech babies
Babies are meant to turn themselves head down in the latter part of a pregnancy, but not all do with approximately 4-5% staying upright. Midwife Caroline May discusses some of the options available for mums to encourage their breech bub to turn.