
Baby Hints & Tips

What to do with unused frozen embryos

I’m pregnant with my 4th & last child & we used ivf. I now have two embryos left over & need to decide what to do with unused frozen embryos. My options are donate, use for research or destroy. What would you do???

  • Donate, give someone else the best gift, that is the life of a child the most wonderful gift Chrissy
  • Donate first then research Jenny
  • Not tha I’ve been in this position, but I’m sure I would donate them to another infertile couple. Leigh
  • I am donating mine to a couple Teressa
  • Donate….I know what my daughter went through to have her precious miracle and the chance to share love n life with a child….DONATE Terri
  • Don’t throw them away but do what you think best Amber
  • Donate is the best you can give but you have to remember that your child will be out there. Cassie
  • Donate so a woman out there can be as lucky as us be be a mother that she only dreamed of Rebecca
  • I would donate them. Don’t overthink the fact that yes one day they might come looking for you. I mean is that really a bad thing? Just be honest and tell your own children about it. I’m sure they would be proud that you helped another struggling couple to conceive and have their own family. Having a child is just magical and it’s a gift. Unfortunately some people out there are not fortunate to have a child of their own due to complications etc. but you could be the one person who puts that light at the end of the tunnel. Jesus would give. We were created to share things in life so you should reach within your heart and give others a chance at having a miracle of their own Katje
  • think I would donate but I’d be fussy with who got it. Elyse
  • I’ve donated eggs to a friend and should any of those be left over, they will be used for scientific purposes Alicia
  • Id donate so that another family have a chance at making a family too Janelle
  • use for research or donate … congratulations on your pregnacy look forward to hearing more good news on your safe arrival. Perhaps wait until no.4 arrives before making your decision…. Patricia
  • I know it would be a very hard decision but I would donate Susan
  • From an IVF mum who has a toddler and is now facing egg donor as our only option to extend our family I would strongly encourage you to donate. Good luck with your decision Juanita
  • Your first choice is usually the best and right choice for you as person and family. Dont second guess yourself, go with your head and heart Kylie
  • Donate. Someone out there could achieve a dream from your kindness. Tiffany

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