
Baby Hints & Tips

Would You Let Someone Else Name Your Baby?

Naming your child can be a beautifully challenging task. Not only do you have to come up with a list of names you like, you have better luck coming up with a LONG list of ones you don’t. But you also have to agree on one with your partner.

It’s a tough gig, I mean, your baby will rock this moniker for the rest or their life… or at least until they’re old enough to change it. We all know we’ve threatened it to our parents.

Tough as it is, would you ever give this task to someone else? When radio personality Fifi Box announced the birth of her baby girl – she let her six-year-old daughter Trixie name her. “She’s named her little sister, which is really special.”

While I was pregnant with my daughter, we would joke that we would let our son name her and often asked for his input. But had we allowed him to do so we would have a beautiful baby girl named Indominus Rex,  after the hybrid carnivore in Jurassic World.

“I never had a say in the name.” Fifi told News.com.au “Daisy was on my list, but Trixie decided when she found out I was going to have a baby that it’d be called Daisy.”

“I just let it go — then I realised that for seven months she’s been calling her little sister Daisy, and there’s no going back.”

I suppose little Trixie has much better naming abilities than my four-year-old, and it is a pretty special story. But I wonder, would I ever be able to task someone else with naming my child? No, not really.

Some of our playgroup mums have added their two cents to the mix:

Bailey – “My husband always wanted to name our child. He was adamant that he select the name when the baby was born. I had a few names up my sleeve, but to save an argument, I let him believe that he had the final say. When our son was born, my husband looked at him for hours. The poor man couldn’t decide what our son looked like. He loved the first name I threw at him and we now have a beautiful little man named Ryder. And hubby will never know that I won this one”.

Chloe – “I have had a list of baby girl names for as long as I can remember. My mother in law was set on us naming our first born after her. I couldn’t do it. I hate my mother in law and I didn’t want to look at my child and despise her name because of her namesake. My partner tried to convince me to at least hyphenate our daughters name which was not going to happen. I was guilted until the moment she was born, by all our family and even some of my friends. Some people don’t understand what a big deal the name choosing part is. In the end, I went with what I wanted, and my baby girls name suits her perfectly. And I never have to think about my Monster in Law when I see my girls beautiful smile”.

Matilda – “I let my husband choose our youngest child’s name. Purely because I was s o hoped up on drugs at the time and I wasn’t thinking straight. I won’t lie, I hated his name for the longest time and felt that it was boring. But as he has grown into a wonderful young man, it suits him more and more. His name is Carl by the way. Not exactly a name you think of for a baby.”

Here’s a list of the top ten baby names for 2024, incase you need some inspiration:

Girls names                                                       Boys names

Olivia                                                                  Noah

Amelia                                                                Liam

Emma                                                                Oliver

Sophia                                                                Elijah

Charlotte                                                           Mateo

Isabella                                                              Lucas

Ava                                                                     Levi

Mia                                                                     Ezra

Luna                                                                  Asher

Ellie                                                                   Leo

About the Author:

Alex is your average caffeine addicted mum on a quest to share her experiences and learn from yours. Her world revolves around her baby girl, four-year-old son and hubby Rob. She lives with her family in Sydney's South West and when she's not writing, you can find her engrossed in the latest true crime docu-series or trying to get kids to at least try the broccoli.

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