
Author: Emma Armstrong

About the Author:

Emma Armstrong is physiotherapist with 12 years’ experience in paediatrics. She is clinician and manager at Therapy and Learning Centre (TLC)Therapy and Learning Centre (TLC) (02 9476 0766) a specialist paediatrics Physio/OT practice with centres in Hornsby and Bella Vista in Sydney, NSW. For the past 8 years Emma has trained under a podiatrist who specialises in biomechanics, which has developed her passion and understanding of lower limb alignment and development. Emma is a mother to two small children and enjoys cycling when she can make the time!
Hates tummy time

Baby Hates Tummy Time: Expert Paediatric Physio Advice

If you have a baby you’ve undoubtedly heard people talking about tummy time! You might however be feeling confused if your baby hates tummy time just what you should do? …

why crawling is important

Importance of baby crawling

Crawling is more than just your baby’s way of getting around before they walk. Learn more about the importance of baby crawling and how it is a milestone that is crucial in …