
Baby Hints & Tips

Flying With Kids

Family traveling by airplaneAny tips/experiences you can share for flying with kids on long haul flights?
• What’s your best tips for flying with bub or children?
• Best locations with kids under 12 months?
• How to deal with time differences and jet lag?
• Any tips about finding child friendly accommodation?
• What tips do others have in regards to food with your little one?
• Do you find AM or PM better for long flight?

Tips from a flight attendant and mum on flying with kids

  • Tip for flying – feed on takeoff and landing (or dummy). Ensure plenty of snacks and small toys. Accept that your ride will be uncomfortable and awkward and focus on keeping baby as happy and occupied as possible. If very unsettled asked the cabin crew if you can briefly go into the flight attendant area at the back – they can dim the lights and you can rock and hold your baby. If possible get seats in the back row or as close to as possible. Lou
  • we just flew from Oz to Europe long haul – it was great. Bub was 9 weeks old. briefly: 1. we flew night time – he slept as he usually does put bub in pilchers (nappy bomb out protetcion before board – they can be hot to wear so leave til last moment) 2. take own sterilsed water in baby bottles all ready. 3. formula powder in tupperwear container + scoop 4. take own blanket.muslins with his/her smell – wash couple of nights before and take onboard – familiar smell for them. 5. feed on take off and landing – landing especially and or take a dummy to suck at least as back up. 6. go-to nappy change toiletry bag for on plane ( we had a big bag with change of clothes blanket muslin nappies wipes feed bottles bibs change mat and medication and so on… but had a handy toiletry bag with few nappies wipes coconut oil disposable change mat etc just to nip in miniature toilets on board for ease – worked a treat) 7. stay ahead of the game. when you know a feed is coming up – change nappy first ahead of the aisle trolleys with food, change feed and then pop in basinette provided so you can then eat, 8. reserve a basinette seat and confirm at check in enjoy its not that bad afterall – bub was a dream – so lucky but if you have an organised plan it will surely help with any hickups so to speak. bon voyage! Evie
  • Please for the love of god do not change your baby on the tray table. I’ve seen it happen before and it is disgusting. Allie
  • Just try and be relaxed. Dummy boob or bottle for take off and landing. I flew to UK when my bub was 14weeks old and we’ve just come back from Bali (she’s 6months next week) She was fine on all flights. She slept loads and then was interested in everything. It’s more uncomfortable as they get bigger and wriggly. I took a feeding pillow that doubled as a snuggle pillow for her to get comfortable with….. Charlotte
  • We have travelled overseas with our daughter 4 times – the first time was to Europe when she was 11 weeks old (and then we travelled around in a car for 5 weeks). Then 2 shorter trips at 5 months and 7 months. And another longer one to Asia at 14months. We are both from overseas so travel to see our families but we also just love to travel. My tips are 1)be organised with your carry on. 2)have the wipes and nappies in a smaller bag at the top to just grab and go, 3) Have small age appropriate toys. If a toddler then great idea to wrap then individually as it entertains then for a while just unwrapping them 4) go with the flow we do long haul direct to Europe and try and keep her awake as quickly in local time as possible and found she adapts very quickly almost better than us but be prepared for moments that don’t work and be flexible. Happy to answer specific questions just msg me. Sara
  • We will be flying to Hawaii from Canada in January. This is the first time my 7mth old will have a time change. We’re considering doing two 5 hr flights, with a night or two in-between, so he would adjust to a 3hr change, and then another 3hrs, as opposed to doing a 6hr time change if we decided to take a direct flight. Any thoughts? Should we just bite the bullet and do a direct 10hr flight? or.. break it up in the hopes of the time change not bothering him too greatly? Sarah
  • We travelled with our 7 mo to ireland from Melbourne. Was a night flight, 2 stops (3×7 he flights) due to the time we left she slept through 2 whole flights! Was best decision ever!!! If bottle feeding best way to have hot water is to take a thermos! On some flights attendants may be good but you don’t want to be waiting for ages with a screaming bub bubs are better than we are on flights! You stay calm and so will they Jessica
  • I’m flying on my own to South Africa with a 12mo & a 3.5yo – eek! Worried about milk for their bottles! How do you go about taking it with if they won’t allow liquids? Lisa

What are your best tips for flying with kids on long haul flights, comments below


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