
Baby Hints & Tips

Hivita Liquivita for Kids

There’s nothing more frustrating than being the mother of a fussy eater.  I can’t tell you how many times I have joked to friends that my hobby is preparing delicious, nutritious meals just so I can bin them thirty minutes later and pass my son a slice of cheese. If I didn’t laugh about it, I’d probably cry. Having a tricky eater can really wear you down.

Aside from the obvious annoyance of wasting time making meals nobody eats one of the biggest concerns is whether My Picky will ever grow big and strong? And is he getting the vitamins, nutrients and other goodies he needs to function at his six-year-old best?

Like many other mums, I like to try and fool my son by concealing as much of the good stuff that I can into the things he’ll actually eat. I make the brownies with spinach, pasta sauces with every blended into oblivion vege imaginable and even hidden vege ice cream. I’m definitely committed to getting the right things into him in the most natural way possible.

To be honest, I still worried.  So when my pharmacist recommended Hivita Liquivita for Kids – specifically formulated for fussy eaters, I could have hugged her. I hadn’t realised just how anxious I was about my son until that moment, and I felt like a huge burden had been lifted.

hivita-liquivita-for-kidsReading the label information I learned that the Hivita contained no artificial colours or flavours and it actually has 30 nutritional ingredients to support growth, immunity and development. This sounded awesome for a child that lives on yoghurt, cheese and crackers.

Then I started to worry again. Giving my child a vitamin as a supplement for nutrition was appealing, as I was struggling to get him to eat the right foods. For me though this also went against the grain. I wanted to believe that I could give him the food-based diet that more than met his needs. I’d also looked at the Vita Gummy products in the supermarket once and realised they were full of sugar; I definitely didn’t want to be introducing more sugar to his diet. I needed to be sure I was giving a truly beneficial product to my little guy.hivita-no-artificial-colours-and-flavour

I kicked the idea around with a wise friend, trying to process whether a dietary supplement was for us after all.  Then the voice of logic spoke and I realised I was doing the right thing. I wasn’t a failure of a mum looking for a short cut. I was a good mum trying to help my child.

I did understand nutrition and I offered my son all the right foods – damnit I just couldn’t make him eat it. Hivita was a solution to my challenge and a remedy to my meal-related stress. Using Hivita was not a Band-Aid for a lack of care as to what my little guy ate or inadequate meals I prepared.  I make him freaking hidden vege ice cream. Mummy guilt needed to get lost.  Hivita was for us.

So here we are. Little Mr Picky happily slurps the (glucose and sucrose free!) Hivita off a teaspoon (5ml) twice a day and I’ve stopped fighting with him at meal times. Do I hope one day he’ll shock me and eat that broccoli with enthusiasm? Yes, I undoubtedly do. Until then I can let the worry go in the knowledge Hivita’s doing the hard work for me until he’s ready to try something new.

About Hivita:

Formulated for fussy eaters, Hivita Liquivita for Kids is the naturally delicious way to fill nutritional gaps for kids aged two years and over. Here’s our favourite quick facts that we love about Hivita and Liquivita for Kids –

  • Hivita is Australian made, owned and formulated for your absolute confidence you are giving your family the very best
  • Hivita Liquivita for Kids is a complete multivitamin for children. It has been formulated with 30 vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs to help fill nutritional gaps and support healthy growth and development and immune function
  • Unlike other products such as Vita Gummies Hivita is not packed with sugar – it’s a truly good and healthy choice


Hivita Liquivita for Kids is available in all good chemists and health food stores and is also available to buy online.

There’s stacks more facts, research and information on what Hivita could do for your child on their website www.hivita.com.au

Article sponsored by Hivita.

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