
Baby Hints & Tips

The adoption process

Just a different sort of question for you… I have two beautiful boys, primary school and pre-school age and after our second hubby and I said we are happy and done with no plans for another. However Recently I have started to re-think the idea of another, but hubby isn’t too keen at the moment. And I say at the moment because I know I can eventually talk him around, lol. We have also previously spoken about adopting a baby from overseas. We can have children naturally but we would also love for the chance to give another child a better life. So I was just wondering about the processes of it all… Timeframe, cost-wise, and how long it took to bring one home. I know costs can vary a lot and family & living situations play a big part (if your married or not, own or rent, salary etc) so was just wanting to here through experience if any of you have gone through this and what the whole process is?

  • Fostering is a wonderful idea, many people are turned off with the idea that the kids have issues. Wouldn’t be where I am without someone putting up their hand Anjuli
  • Fostering is also a great alternative x Sherilee
  • Just a thought- I have battled with infertility for a number of years, multiple Ivf failures and miscarriages and through this I have met lots of ladies who in the end haven’t been able to conceive at all and are then looking at adoption- however because the adoption process is so long and drawn out they have also had no success with adoption despite fitting all the criteria. Despite knowing there are so many children that need parents very few are available for adoption I kinda feel that if you are able to conceive then let those who physically cannot have their own kids adopt the few children that are available. My partner and I have always wanted lots of kids however with how long it’s taken us to finally conceive we will probably be looking at fostering or adopting a special needs child from Australia as there is always a huge amount of disabled children in our own backyard needing homes. Also as we are a same sex couple legally we can’t adopt from overseas, and it is rare that a healthy child’s parents will chose a same sex couple for adoption. Georgie
  • I looked into it a few years ago, when advised against having my own for health reasons. Ended up having my own anyway so never followed it through. You have to be under about 32 yrs to apply as it is a slow process and they won’t let you adopt over about 37 yrs of age. The Australian costs were not too excessive from memory but it was a few years ago I checked. You have to make several visits to the country of origin, so there’s costs involved in that. You have to maintain the child’s cultural, language and religious beliefs so they link you with a group in your town ie a Chinese group that will help mentor your child. If the child is over 6 months you can’t change their name. You and your extended family have to go through a counselling and assessment process too. I thinks. Varies state to state and which countries you can adopt from also varies as each state has links which specific countries. Hope that helps. Marika
  • It’s so sad that it takes so long and costs soo much to adopt I feel for those who can’t have children because it’s so hard for them to adopt. Here’s hoping that it gets easier in the years to come! Erin
  • A friend of ours just went through the process it took them 8years, a small fortune and a heap of hurdles (they were unable to have children). He told me once that the psych interviews were the hardest they just hammer you, but it was all worth it as they now have adopted a wonderful 3 year old little boy form the Philippines. They did say that it is very very rare to get a baby they are usually older children. Cassandra
  • Long term fostering can lead into adoption if you want to do it that way Amie
  • You need to be under 40 to adopt and Australia changes it’s migration laws around which countries you can adopt from. The wait list is very long and it is expensive. Adopting an Australian child with special needs is however free Anna
  • Step 1 – become a movie star. Step 2 – go to any country you want and pic any child you want and then BAM process done….. Sorry I just think it’s unfair how long it take us “regular” people to adopt yet movie stars can adopt with a click of their fingers. Toni
  • I’m sure that there are plenty of children in foster care in this country that would love to get the chance of having a better life. Kerrie
  • Been waiting 5 years so far on the adoption list for China and a placement is not expected any time soon (like probably another 3 years). Waiting times are shorter if you are willing to take older children or children with special needs. Got a permanent foster placement with newborn twins within 4 months of being approved. Fostering has it’s own challenges but worth every one to know you’re making a life difference to beautiful children. Kym
  • Hugh Jackman and his wife have adopted a child and they are making it their mission to get the laws changed so that it’s easier and cheaper to go through the adoption process. It’s in full swing and should hopefully be changed in 2015

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