
Baby Hints & Tips

Fish cakes recipe

by Kate from Little People, Big Tummies

I know when I was feeding in the early days it was hard to get much done, this fish cake recipe can be made very quickly and can be frozen for later. Fish is a great source of protein which is very important when feeding yourself and your baby.

fish cakes recipe Ingredients:

2x medium sized pink Ling fillets or any other white fleshed fish
1x medium sized sweet potato
Bunch of chives
Handful parsley
1 egg
1/2 cup of plain flour
Breadcrumbs for coating


1. Grate sweet potato ( I used my food processor), remove from machine then squeeze out excess liquid from the sweet potato and put aside.

2. Put the two fillets into the food processor until totally minced. Then add to the sweet potato. Add the chives and parsley chopped along with flour and egg. Mix through with your hands.

3. Once all together use a spoon to measure out the cakes. The mixture is a little sticky but will firm up. Put into a ball then coat in the bread crumbs. Continue to do this until mixture is all finished.

4. Cook in fry pan until golden on both sides. The cake should feel firm when ready.

5. Serve with salad. I served with a waldorf salad with a honey/whole grain mustard dressing.


Kate (Little People, Big Tummies)

About Kate: I try to do new and interesting things for the kid’s school lunches as I was sick of them coming home with their lunch boxes untouched. I know by talking to other parents I am not alone, which is why I started Little People, Big Tummies . My girls and I often cook together as I think it’s a great way to get them interested in healthy eating and trying new things. Not to mention teaching them how to cook which is a great skill to have. To see all of Kate’s recipes, click here.

Find more fritter recipes and more recipes with fish


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