Breastfeeding pain at 6 weeks
Breastfeeding pain in mum feeding a 6 week old. Mums share what caused their pain and what helped. Suggestions include thrush, vasospasms, tongue tie and more
Experiences when Milk comes in
Q&A: I only gave birth 4 days ago and my milk has just come in about a day ago. I haven’t been able to express or breastfeed due to the pain. Anyone else been through this? What were your experiences when milk comes in? Any tips would be appreciated as they are very painful
Breastfeeding with a Nipple Shield
Wanting to hear from other mums who breastfeed using a nipple shield.
Breastfeeding issues and the unexpected
Breastfeeding is the physiologically normal way to feed and nurture our babies. Without the opportunity to watch and learn at the fireside from our mothers and other women as our ancestors did, it’s understandable that unexpected outcomes and issues with breastfeeding and settling can bewilder many breastfeeding mothers.
Expressing breastmilk quicker
Q&A: I’m a ftm with 9 day old dd. I’m struggling with breast feeding, I’m expressing atm as she’s destroyed my nipples from not attaching properly. I find it takes me hrs to express. It’s an electric advent, I aim to get 70ml for her feeds, this can take from 45min to 2 hrs. My breasts seem very full, and have tried expressing at different times of the day, it doesn’t seem to make much difference. Does any mums out there have n e suggestions on how to speed up the expressing process please as it’s all I seem to b doing atm, I’ve also got some formula as sometimes I just can’t keep up with her feeds.
First signs of pregnancy
Q&A: Mums to be share their early pregnancy symptoms including sore boobs, cramping and tired.