Emergency Caesarean: That moment you are told “You didn’t do it right”
While all experiences of pregnancy are different, most women hope for an uncomplicated birth. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. The gorgeous Belinda shares her story with us today of …
C-sections and developmental delays: what is missing from the conversation
Roughly 300,000 babies are born in Australia each year. Of those births approximately 30%, or 90,000 babies will be born by caesarean section. That is a lot of you who …
C-Section Experiences
Parents share their C-section experiences. Tips to be prepared and for recovery from a caesarean from mums who have experienced it
Caesarean Section: Dealing with the disappointment
I just had my third baby 4 days ago via emergency c section. My greatest fear was to have a section. I delivered first 2 naturally with complications but nothing …