
Tag: Michelle Penn

Delayed Cord Clamping – Midwife explains

Midwife Tips: Midwife, Michelle, explains what delayed cord clamping is and information on should you use delayed cord clamping with your children

pubic hair and birth

Pubic Hair and Labour

Expert Tips: Midwife advice on managing pubic hair and labour. All your questions answered on if you need a brazillian for your bikini line before the birth

birth plans

Are birth plans worth the paper they are written on?

Expert Tips: Midwife shares the value of a birth plan and what should be included in yours in preparation of your labour

Midwife Tips: Nappy Rash Causes and Treatment

Nappy Rash Causes and Cures: Hints & Tips  As a midwife and mum one of the most common questions I am asked is how to deal with nappy rash. That …