I’m 14 weeks pregnant with baby number 2. The last two weeks my belly has really popped out and I feel this is very early. Did anyone experience your baby bump popping early with baby number 2?
- the more u have the quicker u show,, it due to ur body being stretched b4 Ally
- Totally normal I’m 16 weeks with #2 and I noticed my belly after only 10 weeks Hayley
- I’m 27 weeks with number 2 and I was showing by 13 weeks (I think I looked like I did at 20 weeks with number 1) Bronwen
- Yep looked about 12 weeks by only 8 weeks pregnant! I did end up having a baby that was a pound bigger than my first but I don’t think that was affecting the “showing” so early on. I think it’s just because your muscles, uterus and ligaments are more pliable. Kelsi
- People noticed my belly at 6 weeks with second bub Mel
- With my second I popped out at 8 weeks compared to 24 weeks with my first Katrina
- Yes!! I am currently 29 weeks pregnant with no. 2 and my belly definitely popped out early! Brooke
- With my second, his 1 month old, I had to tell my boss at 9 weeks because I popped so early you could already tell. About 7 weeks I could already notice a difference. It was pretty crazy Kimberley
- With my first I didn’t show til about 22 weeks this time iv started to show at 17 weeks Theressa
- Hell yes lol ! My tummy popped out straight away with my 2nd Natasha
- I’m 16 weeks & look like I was when I was 20 weeks with bub #1. I think your body just knows what to do this time around Shannon
- Absoloutely i started showing in first tri i couldnt even hide it! Very normal Emma
- I am on baby number 3 and my belly popped within the first week Katrine
- I got a belly at 8 weeks with my second compared to 25 weeks with my 1st!! Sierra
- yes I popped out sooner with 2nd and again with 3rd Sherree
- Second most definitely! Popped by 12 weeks. On to my 3rd and I look like a whale Anna