
Baby Hints & Tips

Does the Chinese Gender Chart Actually Work?

The Chinese Gender Chart has become a bit of a cult tool for parents hoping to produce a baby boy or girl.  The question of its accuracy is still up in the air.

Community Question: Has the Chinese Gender Chart been correct or incorrect when predicting the gender of your baby?  We put this much-revered tool used by mums-to-be all over the world to the test.  We asked our community of 227,000 Australian mums to test out their baby’s birth dates and genders on the Chinese Gender Chart to see if it gives accurate results for gender prediction.  The results… read on!


Chinese Gender Chart - Baby Gender Prediction

What is the Chinese Gender Chart?

The Chinese Gender Calendar has been in use since the 1600s in China to help families predict their new baby’s sex.  It’s based on the mum-to-be’s lunar age conception and plays a big part in some Chinese couples plans for “making a baby”.   Determining your lunar age can be a bit tricky because it’s not based on the Gregorian Calendar but there is a “converter” tool here. Once you’ve translated your own age and your baby’s date of birth into the Chinese gender calendar, you can then use the chart to see if your baby is the predicted gender.  There is a host of Chinese Gender Prediction Apps available – doing the calculations can be tricky – but as they say “there’s an app for that”!  Actually, there are HUNDREDS of apps for that!

The simplest way to calculate the Chinese baby gender chart is to use an app because ain’t nobody got time for maths!

Chinese Gender Chart App


Is the Chinese Gender Chart Accurate?

We asked our community if the Chinese gender prediction calendar was right or wrong.  The answer?  Roughly 50/50 – just like the ratio of babies born of each gender.  

Here’s what the community had to say about their experience with the Chinese gender chart:

  •  Son wrong, daughter right and then on another one was son right daughter wrong. my sister has had it say 3 girls and has 3 boys. IMO I think it’s a load of crap.   Choni
  •  Incorrect for me.   Lauren
  •  Very wrong!!!! 1 out of 3 of mine was correct!   Amy
  • It was right for me but I shared the chart with a group of about 150 mums to see how it went and it was pretty much exactly 50 right 50 wrong.   Mindy
  •  Correct for me and I haven’t come across anyone who’s wasn’t.   Tess
  •  Wrong with all 5 of mine, lol.   Charli
  •  Was right for my first two.   Amy
  •  Wrong twice.   Amber
  •  First one correct, second wrong.   Kate
  •  Correct with both my boys.    Kerry
  •  Right for me!! Only one child though.    Jemma
  •  Out of 4 kids, it was right with 2 of them.    Bek
  •   I’ve had 1 right 1 wrong with it   Tan
  •  First right a girl and second right a boy (I did get a bonus girl, twins, but the following month was a girl on the chart).    Katherine
  •  Correct with my mother said both my sister and I were girls and right for me said my son was a boy and this pregnancy too. Ultrasound confirms it.    Sarah
  •  Bub #1 wrong, bub #2 wrong.   Deb
  •  It was right for both my girls.   Carly
  •  Wrong for both my children.   Amanda
  •  Yep right for me and 5 of my friends.   Emma
  •  Incorrect!!    Rebecca
  •  Wrong Wrong Wrong    Kylie
  •  Correct.   Jessica
  •  Right for first, wrong for second … So 50/50 lol    Brooke
  •  Correct for me. Just wondering, of those of you who said it was incorrect did you work out your correct lunar age & were your bubs conceived at beginning or end of gender cross over? As they do have a warning at this point its 50/50. Curious.   Jodi
  •  Wrong for all three of mine!    Angela
  •  Incorrect.    Claire
  •  According to the chart, I should have boy girl boy and be preg with a girl, but I have 3 boys and preg with another boy so 50/50 lol    Mell
  •  All tests I took for gender said I was having a boy but only the Chinese lunar calendar predicted a girl… Coincidence maybe? Not sure!    Kaysie
  •  All four of mine were correct, four beautiful boys.    Jess
  •  It was correct with both of my kids. It was wrong with one out of 2 of my friend’s kids though. 3/4 isn’t too bad.    Samantha
  •  Right for me but wrong for all of my friend’s three children! Lol    Tanya
  •  Correct for my daughter.   Kelly
  •  Correct for both mine, the girl then boy, the ring on the chain over the belly was also right.   Tanieka
  •  It was right for me, I’m Having a girl.   Jodie
  •  Right both times for me.   Stacey
  •  Wrong.   Natalie
  •  One wrong and one-half right (twin pregnancy)   Siobhan
  •  No! Wrong.    Megan
  •  The calendar said boy for me – having a girl. However, she’s not born quite yet so we could get a shock lol.   Ashley
  •  Right for first, still waiting to see if it’s right for the second.    Diana
  •  All wrong for me!  Told me my 4 boys should have been girls n my girl should have been a boy.   Emma
  •  Correct, correct, wrong for 3 bubs.    Mary
  •  Right, girl.   Melissa
  •  Right for me.   Vernice
  •  Wrong twice.   Amanda
  •  It was incorrect for me.    Katey
  •  Right,right,right & wrong!   Sarah
  •  Wrong 4 times & right once.    Roula
  •  Totally wrong for me according to the Chinese gender chart my two boys should of been girls and my girl should have been a boy!    Erin
  •  Incorrect.    Jessica
  •  Wrong with my one child.    Rosanna
  •  Correct with my daughter.    Emily
  •  Wrong for both but the nub theory has seemed to be accurate for both for me (well I hope. Have been told #2 is a boy)    Ally
  •  Wrong.    Terri-Anne
  •  Incorrect, twice.    Kate
  •  Wrong for me.   Shari
  •  Correct.   Khloe
  •  Wrong.   Jessie-Anne
  •  Correct.   Mallory
  •  Correct for me.   Daneka
  •  Well I did it with my standard age and it was correct with number 1, but number 2 is predicted a girl and my last scan showed its a boy lol but to get a correct prediction u are supposed to use your lunar age, which for me predicts both are girls, but both are boys.    Kezza

Our community share if their dreams about baby gender were an accurate way to predict the sex of their baby.

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