
Expert Tips

Expert Information on TTC, Pregnancy, Birth and the first three years.

Advice For New Mums – From The Experts!

Baby Hints And Tips expert contributors give new mums expert baby advice, pregnancy advice and vital information on toddler growth and development.  Our expert advice for new mums is all about making those first few difficult months easier for you.

Baby Advice

Got a brand new baby in the house?  Check out our baby advice section for expert advice and community tips on baby development, health, communication, nutrition, sleep and must have items for little ones.

Toddler Advice

Get expert parenting advice and community tips on everything toddler.  Your toddler is learning and developing at a lightning pace!  We’ve brought together expert advice for mums of toddlers across all areas of toddlerhood!  Development, health, nutrition, sleep, behaviour (oh the behaviour!), toilet training and getting out and about in the big wide world.

Check out our toddler advice section here.

Advice for new mums to be

First time round? Our experts have advice for new mums to be during this stressful and wonderful time.  Maybe it’s not your first but every pregnancy is filled with challenges, right?  We’ve gathered experts in pregnancy health and 225,000 Australian women who’ve been exactly where you are.  From trying to conceive, to first trimester woes, pregnancy complications and celebrations, right up to the big day – birth.  Get all the pregnancy advice here.

What can a Doula do at Your Birth?

What is a doula and why do you want one?

work from home business ideas

Working from Home Tips: Business Ideas

Working from home is one the most popular ways for mums with children to earn extra income and stay socially connected. It is also a great way to earn money on the side if you already have a part time job. But what sort of businesses can be run from home. There are as many as your imagination really but we have listed just five areas for you to consider.

Understanding your child’s behaviour

When children are behaving well, the reasons for their behaviour are very similar. Well-behaved children are happy, engaged and responsive. However, when children are not behaving well the reasons behind this behaviour can be very broad, and can require different reactions from you.

Midwife Tips: Bringing on Labour At Home

Midwife Tips: Bringing on Labour At Home

One of the most common questions asked on the Baby Hints and Tips Facebook page concerns how to bring on labour, and advice given usually ranges from sex and nipple stimulation to bouncing on a fit ball, castor oil and hot curries. The question is however, is there any evidence that any of these things actually work?

kindergarten readiness

Kindergarten readiness

This list  contains the main skills that your child should have before they are ready to begin their year preceding formal schooling.

home birth expert tips

Home birth – midwife tips

Home birth has always been a contentious issue in Australia, largely fuelled by the media and the medical profession. The biggest fears surrounding home birth usually boil down to one question, is it safe?


Expert Tips – Hypnobirthing

Many people hear the term HypnoBirthing and because they relate hypnosis to the most common form people see – Stage Hypnosis – they don’t really understand what it is or how it could possible help with having a baby.  What follows is a brief explanation of what HypnoBirthing is, how it can help woman wanting a natural, drug-free and intervention-free birth, what is involved in attending a class and how and when is best to do so.

Q&A with Dr Howard Chilton

Paediatrician Tips: Q&A with Dr Howard Chilton

Recently, we invited members of our Facebook page to submit questions for Dr Chilton to answer during a timed Q&A sessions. Questions ranged from sleeping issues to cysts on gums. Read on to see Dr Chilton’s response to each of the questions.

Medically inducing labour - midwife tips

Medically inducing labour – midwife tips

There are many questions related to induction of labour but for this issue I will concentrate on medical ways of inducing.

budgeting tips for families

Budgeting Tips For Families

Tips to help you save money and stay on budget.

exercise during pregnancy

Expert tips: Exercise during Pregnancy

How to keep motivated to exercise during pregnancy, and exercise tips for each pregnancy stage.

midwife tips co sleeping with baby

Midwife Tips: Co-Sleeping

An introduction to co-sleeping, and why it isn’t necessarily ‘bed sharing’.

kids developing through play

Childhood Development: Developing through Play

Decades of research have documented that play has a crucial role in the optimal growth, learning and development of children from infancy through adolescence.

choosing where to give birth - tips from a midwife

Midwife Tips: Choosing where to give Birth

When it comes to choosing where to birth your baby there are many things to think about and it can be quite overwhelming, but choosing the right place for you can have an enormous impact on your pregnancy, birthing and post partum experience and it is not quite as simple as public vs private.

Medication Tips: Iron Tablets

If you have low iron, your Doctor may recommend taking iron tablets. These are some of the things you need to be aware of before you start taking them.

post pregnancy exercise

Post Pregnancy Exercise: R.E.S.T.

The key to post pregnancy exercise is REST: Relax, Exercise, Sleep, Time for Mum.

Breastfeeding tips

Breastfeeding is natural so it should be easy right? For some women it does come very naturally but for the majority it is a skill that needs to be learned. Not so much by the baby as it is instinctive to them, but by the mother.

midwife tips for preparing for labour

Preparing for labour

Midwife Caroline May shares her top five tips for not only surviving, but getting the most out of your labour experience (for you and bub).

Baby Massage – More than just Relaxation

Mmm… Massage. The word instantly conjures up images of lying in a deeply relaxing state, surrounded by gentle music and the light smell of lavender, while being blissfully kneaded until all your worries melt away. Baby massage, however, is much more than that. It can both relax and stimulate. It’s a way of interacting and a way of providing relief.