
Baby Hints & Tips

Post Pregnancy Exercise: R.E.S.T.

Expert tips by Lorraine Scapens from Pregnancy Exercise

R- Relax
E- Exercise
T-Time for Mum

R- Relax

post pregnancy exerciseLife with a new born can be extremely challenging yet can also be immensely satisfying but if we are unable to relax during the day to day activities with our babies it can have a dramatic effect on them and you. Try to reduce your stress levels and relax as often as you can.

E- Exercise

You need to exercise post pregnancy if you want to recover fully from your pregnancy, labour and birth. Pregnancy has many demands on your body. Your core strength has weakened and unless you do post pregnancy exercise you are more likely to develop lower back pain and increase diastasis recti-abdominal separation -that occurred during late pregnancy.


You can’t do without this, we can manage on very small amounts but sooner or later the sleep deprivation catches up, normally around 4-5 months. Sleep as often as you can during the first 1-3 months

T- Time for Mum

We all need ‘Me Time’ try to have 20-30 minutes every day were you can relax, switch off, read a magazine, catch up with a friend or just sleep.


Lorraine Scapens

Lorraine is a Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist with 20 years experience training pregnant and post natal women. She has specialized in Pregnancy and Post Natal Exercise for more than 15 Years. Her websites are Pregnancy Exercise and Turning Baby, and you can read her blog here. She is also on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. You can contact her at lorraine@pregnancyexercise.co.nz. To see all of Lorraine’s articles, click here.


Disclaimer: This information is general advice only, and you are advised to discuss any concerns you may have with your GP or midwife, or before starting a new exercise regime. Lorraine is not able to provide you with medical advice. You cannot hold Lorraine liable in any way for injuries that may occur whilst training.

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