
Baby Hints & Tips

Dealing with a baby who wont be put down

Baby wont be put down (Custom)my 8 week old son wont let me put him down throughout the day. i cant eat, go to the toilet, do the washing up etc…as soon as i put him down he screams the place down. any tips/ideas on how to solve this problem? its extremely hard and frustrating. i cant be holding him 24/7..as much as i want to

  • get a woven wrap or a carrier. He’s happy because he’s being held and you can still get things done Cas
  • Baby wear. Get a manduca or wrap or even a hugabub. It will save you! Trust me. I’ve been there! Kat
  • Wears him!! In a soft wrap or a soft structured carrier like an ergo. It works for my bubbas fussy phases where she doesn’t like to be put down. Roselea
  • this is around one of the wonder week periods. Try using a sling or swing if able and hopefully they will settle down soon. My bub is same age and been doing this some days but not every day so hoping will stop once wonder week over Annika
  • Try putting your baby in a bouncer worked great for my baby Alysia
  • Baby wearing did with both mine. Save my sanity. I started with a 2nd wrap but check out fb for local groups Barbara
  • Baby wearing! Get a wrap. That way he’s close enough to u to keep him happy plus u can get everything done. Lisa
  • it’s just a bit of separation anxiety and as mean as it sounds I think you just need to let him cry it out a bit and get used to being put down. Sarah
  • That’s how my baby was/is. He’s 3 mos now but is getting better and better. I didn’t want to rush him into growing up or let him sit somewhere and just cry. I started wearing him in a baby carrier a lot. And slowly I would start him in his swing and bouncer. Do it when he’s in his best mood and where he can watch you close by and talk to him and sung the whole time. I put his bouncer right next to the toilet. ..I know kinda weird but only way I can go! Little by little he has been able to go longer by himself. Be patient, go slow, get help so u can take care of yourself and also just do what u feel is right fir you and your baby. Also I would just hold my son while I ate in the first month or two…I know it’s nit the greatest or easiest but that’s what I did. And now moat of the time I can at least put him down in his swing or play mat for 10-20 minutes so I can cook and eat it’s just taken a while to get there Lauren
  • My son did the same things around that age. It’s just a stage. I wish I had just enjoyed the cuddles a bit more. So, as stressed as it makes you feel about not getting things done, enjoy the cuddles with your bub. The phase will pass . I wish someone had told me to just chill & relax with my son during that phase. AnneMaree
  • Do you have a rocker or something where he can be sitting up slightly to look around. I used to put mine against the door so they could see our dogs. Amy
  • Baby wearing can help a lot in the early weeks Chloe
  • Google fourth trimester. Bub is adapting to being outside the womb. My bub did the same thing. It’s hard but they get get better As they abit older x Ash
  • I had the same problem with my daughter it turned out she had colic. Holly
  • does you baby have colic my cousins baby was like that and he had colic it gets better Paulette
  • I have the same problem, my 5week old is happy while I’m holding him so I recently brought a hug a bub baby carrier wrap and it’s helped a lot. Holds him nice and close to me so he’s happy and I’m able to get some housework done now, so I’d deff invest in one if I were you it’s a life saver Charlene
  • Baby carrier Sophie
  • Mum bubs was exactly the same! I got really stressed! As much as I wanted to carry him all day and look at his angel face my back ached and I never went to the toilet or ate I was starving the house was a mess I couldn’t cook dinner it was hard!! I insisted to wait until 12 weeks until the 4th trimester was over before teaching him to sleep in his bassinet. This is also the supposed time when they can really learn skills (opinions differ) I caved at 10.5 weeks and he has learned to go to sleep during the day in his cot or bassinet! Originally it took a lot of rocking and shushing but now it only takes a few mins! (Apart from the last nap of the day can take an hour!) he only sleeps 45 mins most of the time but it’s worth it! For my back and my hungry tummy and bursting bladder! Good luck! Lucy
  • Distraction. My DS does the same sometimes and I pop him under the play mat and sit with him and chat to him until he settles down and starts playing with the toys. It will hopefully give you a few minutes. Also, I’ve used the carrier too if I’m vacuuming or cleaning up. Nerida
  • my bub was the same but she was prem and reflux bub. I resisted the baby carrier and wish I hadn’t. I loved it once I got one…life was a little easier. Nicolee
  • has it only just started? My dd was fine then a few days ago started doing the same thing. However is fine today again she had a cold. Maybe thats your problem to Rachel
  • Have you tried using a carrier, wrap or sling? My first couldn’t be out down and wouldn’t go in a carrier until he was about 1. I just made the most of it and got good at doing things with one hand. If you can get him in a carrier happily it would give you both what you need. Carolyn
  • My bub was the same. Had colicky type problems from about 4 weeks and wanted to be upright or comforted and sucking helped him pass wind. Pretty much screamed if he wasn’t held or asleep. I used an ergo carrier with infant insert. Also had pram inside and took it and him around house with me everywhere. If I wanted to cook or wash up I could hold him for a bit, put in pram for a bit while talking to him, and baby wear for a bit until I got the task done. Probably not the safest advice but I even sometimes used a flat pillow under him to hold him so when he fell asleep or almost did I could transfer him to the pram next to me or on safe spot on lounge ( still on pillow) so I could fold washing or wheel pram to another room with me so he didn’t wake when I put him down. Best advice someone gave me which I didn’t follow unfortunately was make sure you use both sides (arms) equally when you are carrying him around so much. Now i can’t carry him on the left cause my right has gotten much stronger and him heavier as I only used that side and have back, shoulder and hip problems from the over use. Kathryn
  • Wear baby…invest in a good carrier then hands are free to do stuff and baby close to you… Jaya
  • Have you tried using a carrier, wrap or sling? My first couldn’t be out down and wouldn’t go in a carrier until he was about 1. I just made the most of it and got good at doing things with one hand. If you can get him in a carrier happily it would give you both what you need. Carolyn
  • has it only just started? My dd was fine then a few days ago started doing the same thing. However is fine today again she had a cold. Maybe thats your problem to Rachel
  • my bub was the same but she was prem and reflux bub. I resisted the baby carrier and wish I hadn’t. I loved it once I got one…life was a little easier. Nicolee
  • Distraction. My DS does the same sometimes and I pop him under the play mat and sit with him and chat to him until he settles down and starts playing with the toys. It will hopefully give you a few minutes. Also, I’ve used the carrier too if I’m vacuuming or cleaning up. Nerida
  • Baby carrier Sophie
  • I have the same problem, my 5week old is happy while I’m holding him so I recently brought a hug a bub baby carrier wrap and it’s helped a lot. Holds him nice and close to me so he’s happy and I’m able to get some housework done now, so I’d deff invest in one if I were you it’s a life saver Charlene
  • does you baby have colic my cousins baby was like that and he had colic it gets better Paulette
  • I had the same problem with my daughter it turned out she had colic. Holly

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