Keen to have your own blog?
Here’s how your own blog can be a fun creative outlet. And maybe even a business.
+ You can set up a blog for free.
Imagine a world where an Editor didn’t have the final say as to whether your work was published. An uncensored universe in which you were able to share your thoughts and opinions. A world where your thoughts were equally as important as that pretty young model who scored that media job just because of who she is!
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging and more specifically, mummy blogging.
They’re real people and real mothers blogging about family life and what life with children is really like. Apparently, it’s not always sugar and spice and all things nice (full disclosure: I am not a mother!)
Blogging can give mothers an outlet to vent, to connect and network with others. For the rest of us (that equals anyone who’s not a parent), they offer insightful information and instant conversation starters. There’s an almost unlimited potential audience for your thoughts and opinions online as a Mum.
Ever thought this is something you would like to dabble in? Do you follow other Mummy bloggers and think I could do that? If you’ve said yes, read on… if you’re an aspiring mummy blogger, here are my top 5 tips that will hopefully convince you to stop thinking and start typing… (On the other hand, if you’re a seasoned mummy blogger and love doing your thang day-in, day-out, I’d love to hear what you think about this list!)
Tip #1: Not a pro? It doesn’t matter!
Many of the best mummy bloggers in Australia are not professional writers. Their success lies in that they have something relevant, interesting or relatable to say! Just start writing – and if you’re worried about the proofing side of things, get someone else to proof read your work.
Realistically, you’re probably at an advantage if you’re not a seasoned writer as you’ll get less caught up in the fluff of writing and produce something far more conversational.
Tip #2: Don’t think people will like what you have to say? Who cares?
Difference of opinion is what makes the world turn. Don’t set-out to intentionally stir up trouble or offend people but if you’ve got something to say, do so. That’s what blogging is all about!
Tip #3: Get involved with other bloggers
A quick Google search will reveal a number of places you can connect with fellow bloggers. Join Facebook Groups, forums, check out Twitter… 99 per cent of the people you’ll find on forums are incredibly supportive. Share your posts with them, ask them questions… a heap of new friends are waiting for you.
Tip #4: Do it for the love (not the money)
Never start blogging or writing with the aim of getting rich. Not to be negative but you’re more than likely, not going to get rich from blogging. But you might just get rich in other, more important ways! Of course some Mummy bloggers have turned their passion into a hip-pocket gain but starting for the right reasons will ensure you love what you do, not feel enslaved to it.
Tip #5: Never backtrack from anything you’ve written
Chances are, something you write about at some point, isn’t going to go down well with someone (or multiple people) out there.If you really believe in something you’ve written though, never backtrack away from it. Be proud of it and use it to engage with people.
So, what do you think? Remember, sharing is caring…! I’d love to know what you are blogging on and what drives your passion to blog – leave me a comment below! And if I’ve inspired you to blog click on through to where you can set yourself up a free blog. Start today!
About the author: Sarah Cannata is a freelance writer based in Melbourne, Australia. She has recently launched her own website ( – original, huh?) with the aim of connecting with a variety of people (feel free to take a squiz, she’d love to hear what you think). Sarah has written for a number of websites and magazines and in her downtime, enjoys travelling and listening to music.