
Baby Hints & Tips

Keeping Baby Still on the Change Table

Woman Changing BabyDoes anyone have any tips on how to get an 8 month old to stay still on the change table? It’s becoming impossible to change her. She keeps rolling all over the place.

  •  I used make sure I had some thing interesting for them there @ change time eg book, toy but yes that age & up gets harder coz they just want 2 b on the move!!  Samantha
  •  Do it on the floor, this is why i never have had a change table.  Kylie
  •  We give my DS a toy, just for the change table, seems to help.  Tellina
  •  I find it easier changing my dd on the floor now I can spread my legs and put her between them and hold her still.  Angela
  •  I give my baby the wipes packet or a clean nappy to play with, keeps him occupied and still enough for me to change him.  Jacinta
  •  My son is a shocker to change. I’ve tried toys, mobile, balls etc..he will still roll or plank off my hands. The only thing that keeps him still is me singing to him. im a shocking singer, but for some crazy reason, it keeps him still. Probably fear induced lol  Tamara
  •  No idea lol my dd started at 8mths and its still going at 14mths ! Sometimes if i give her a cream bottle or wipes packet it normally works !  Nicole
  •  I’m having the same trouble with my 5 month old! Won’t lay still just rolls all over the place, I just keep rolling her back I figure its only going to get worse when she starts crawling and walking!  Aneisha
  •  Working in daycare and having my own wiggle pot has taught me to have a small bucket of toys near the change area u can use to distract them.. Just be sure to disinfect them often
  • even singing songs sometimes works well or a mobile /hanging toys above the change area
    Good luck.  Samantha
  •  Ditch the change table! I used to do it on the floor, put one of those baby wrist rattles on each of my big toes and pin bub down with my feet in tween armpit and front of shoulder if you get what I mean?
  • Then you can wiggle your toes and the toy/rattle keeps bub occupied while you change! Worked a treat for me.  Racheal
  •  My bub is 7mths and won’t stay still. I gave up and now we change on the floor and I use pull-up nappies, he can stand, sit on my lap or crawl but I will get that nappy on him. Skye


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