
Baby Hints & Tips

Nappy Bag Essentials

iStock_000002803161Small (Custom)I’m 34 weeks pregnant with first baby and I’m wondering what were some things you found really handy or couldn’t live without in your nappy bag?

  • spare clothes for poo explosions and a spare dummy. Melissa
  • A change of clothes for bub (or2!) hand sanitiser (incase you can’t wash your hands after a nappy change) and a spare dummy incase you drop/lose one! Dayna
  • a good App to keep track of baby’s routine! Baby Diaries
  • 2 sets spare clothes (my bub has daily poo explosions), spare baby socks, hand sanitiser, spare muslin wrap. If I get any samples, I keep these in the nappy bag too as spares. Also keep my camera in there Nicole
  • spare baby clothes , nappies, wipes, alcohol hand sanitiser!, face towels, wraps, dummies. Healthy snack and water for mummy!! Oh and change mat! Sally
  • spare top for mummy! never know when you’ll be vomited on. Samantha
  • we have nappies, wipes, nappy bags and a change of clothes. Kerry
  • Nappies, Bum Wipes, Disposable Change Mats, Bum Cream, Nappy Sacks, Hat, Dummy, Bib, Change of Clothes, Burp Cloth, Toy or Teether Toy, Hand Sanitiser, Hand & Face Wet Wipes. Vanessa
  • Disposable change mats Elise
  • I use to carry everything and use nothing lol so in the end I emptied the nappy bag added nappies wipes nappy bags the red book dummies 2 sets of clothes lip balm and pandadol that was about it as nothing else was ever used Amy
  • Disposable change mats excellent means u can change them anywhere n they are so small so don’t take up a lot of room like the other change mats do. A spare dummy but always have a dummy chain excellent when out n about u no itl never drop ob the floor. And nappy bags! Tash
  • A complete change of clothes and cloth nappies for spilage! Natalie
  • A change of clothes for baby and a spare top for yourself! And a plastic bag (for dirty clothes, rubbish etc) Amy
  • We always carry a change of clothes just in case. Also wipes. I have a box in the change bag, one in my purse and one in the car. Stephanie
  • Wipes and spare clothes Kim
  • Both a reusable and disposable change mat, change of clothes, disposable wipes, and hand sanitiser…for those explosives poos that always seem to happen when out and about Jessica
  • Food pouches when they are on solids Kayla
  • Moogoo nappy balm Amanda
  • A change of clothes for baby, a couple of bibs, nappies, baby wipes & nappy sacks, a dummy, a cloth nappy (for putting over your shoulder & burping bub after a feed). Tanya
  • I have just been packing mine with some comfy undies, maternity pads, breast pads, maternity bras, yoga pants and a couple of loose comfy tops. Baby bag has clothes, nappies, a blanket, wipes. Thats just general, anything else would be personal preference technology bits, etc. Meaghan
  • I’m a brand new mum with a 2 week old – pack a spare change of clothes. I am forever forgetting to and it’s the one thing I need when I’m out (for vomits, or if the weather changes etc)! Angela
  • pawpaw ointment is the absolute essential to have, nappy rash, capped skin/lips, sores never leave home without it…. always spare clothes/nappies and wipes, if you are going to use a dummy then a spare is always handy you never know when they are going to drop it- personally I won’t be using a dummy for mine, once they start with one it is hard to take them away-spare bottles of boiled water even if breast feeding, water for you too, cornflour in a powder dispenser- it’s a lot better than talc -and cheaper too. Betty
  • Wipes, nappy rash cream, spare clothes, nappy’s, burp cloths/bibs/one cloth nappy (for any milk brought up, although cloth nappy usually left on shoulder I also had a spare in the bag) few dummies, spare blanket. Emma



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