
Baby Hints & Tips

Nursery themes

Nursery themeWhat nursery themes did you do? Is it better to do a baby theme or wait and do a toddler room based on their interests later on?

  • We just went with bright colours. White furniture, white curtains but colourful bedding and bunting on the windows. Looks great Molly
  • We did a pretty standard nursery and then decorated according to what they have been interested in later. Kylie
  • My son is almost 4 months old and his themes is zoo/safari animals, once we get a bigger place I’ll be doing his room up in zoo/safari theme Jenna
  • we did a farmyard theme for my little ones nursery but he hasnt slept in there once and he is now 1yr old lol. I wish i had of just kept it basic and just did a colour theme with something simple like chevron pattern until he goes into his own room of a night. Steph
  • I based my son’s nursery on the book “Guess How Much I Love You”. We didn’t know what we were having so wanted to keep it quite neutral. I found cot sheets to match the theme and framed pages out of the book to hang on the walls! Sarah
  • Do something that’s close to your heart, but easy to change? I’m a Disney fan and hubby likes the ocean, fishing, the beach, etc. so we went with a Finding Nemo theme, lots of wall stickers! Didn’t paint, just did lots of wall stickers and Finding Nemo toys as well, that also cut down on some cost. That way when little man eventually decides he doesn’t like his room we can just pull them down and he can start making it his own room. Keely
  • I love Themes in gender colours. We did Winnie the poo for our girls all in pink and when we have a boy we will do hungry little caterpillar. Samara
  • I just picked three colours and used them in the decor, simple and you can always change later as they begin to get interested in certain things. I used pink, purple and green for my first girl and for the second I’m going to use pink, blue and yellow Kira
  • I planned on doing Winnie the Pooh as a unisex theme not knowing the sex, but as our cot was delayed we didn’t decorate prior to birth. Once bub was born my partner decided he didn’t want winnie for a boy so we ended up just sticking some jungle animal wall stickers up, a blue mat on the floor then the rest is yellow/plain. I’m glad we did that as can add extra bits along the way then can decorate his big boy room a bit more themed Tamsin
  • Sesame Street/ Cookie Monster. Because I love him Kat
  • Native Australian animals. Claire
  • I had a baby girl. I went for something classic but with a touch of fun. Did a wall collage based on the colours that blend well with lavender. Suven
  • I went with a disney theme because who doesn’t love Disney Krystal

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