
Baby Hints & Tips

Baby Shower Games + Free Baby Shower Printables

Hosting or planning an event to welcome a new little life? It’s tradition that you’re definitely going to need some baby shower games!

There is no better way to celebrate new life that throwing a baby shower.  Gather family and friends and help the mum to be to prepare to welcome their new baby.

We have rounded up all the best free printable baby shower games for you to get the party started and celebrate the imminent arrival of your new baby. All the guests will have so much fun – you definitely need to play guess the dirty nappy which is always a good laugh!

free printable baby shower games - baby gift bingo pink

Baby Gift Bingo

Ask all the guests to fill in each square with a different gift they think the mum-to-be might receive. Then, as the presents are unwrapped they put a cross through any matches on their sheet. Once they have a full line crossed off they call out ‘BINGO!’ First to call it out wins.

Pink (shown)

Baby animals game yellow

Guess the Baby Animal

Think you know what different animal babies are called? The party guest with the most correct answers wins.

Yellow (shown)


Guess the Dirty Nappy pink

Guess the Dirty Nappy

Not for the faint hearted!

Melt five different chocolate bars and smear them into separate disposable nappies. Guests then taste them and guess what chocolate bars they are. This game will have everyone in fits of laughter, don’t forget the camera (Don’t forget the disposable spoons!)

Pink (shown)

More baby shower game ideas: 10 Classic baby shower games

baby shower games

Our Community Shares  their favourite baby shower games 

Wondering what will be a hit (or a miss) here’s all the answers from our community on what baby shower games they most enjoyed.

Community Question: I’m organising a baby shower next month for a girlfriend that’s had a rough trot and will be doing it on her own, I have everything but the games organised & need some ideas. What are your favourite baby shower games you’ve played?

Guess what is in the nappy

  • Guess what’s in the nappy: Melt chocolate bars in nappies and you have to guess which chocolate bar it is! Abbie
  • Full block of chocolate in a nappy and partially melt it in the microwave. Then use it like pass the parcel when the music stops the person with the nappy has to eat any of the hard bits that they can within a certain amount of time….. this REALLY grossed some people out. Chantelle
  • Smear nappies with different foods and you have to blind fold and try guess the spread!!! Megan

Pleasure versus pain (also called push or p*rn)

  • Pleasure vs pain – get pictures of people giving birth and then orgasm style faces and get people to write down which picture is which. This was played at my baby shower and was hilarious! Steff

Water breaking

  • We played “water breaking”.  We bought little baby dolls from a cheap shop and placed them in ice cube trays.  We added water and froze them the day before the party.  During the party everyone was given an ice cube, the 1st to get the baby out won! Kristy

Guess the celebrity baby bump

  • Guess the celebrity pregnant belly. Erryn

Present bingo (see printable for Baby Gift Bingo above)

  • Present Bingo is where all guests have a bingo card & each gift has a number placed on it, so as mum to be unwraps her presents the guests get to play bingo. Erryn

Guess the size of mum’s baby bump

  • Trying to guess her size. Get string measure how big they think she is and cut string. Some of the guesses will be hilarious. Amy
  • Have all the guests measure a piece of ribbon to the size they think her bump is and the ribbon that measures the closest around her belly wins Kirsty
  • Use string round her belly give ball of string let everyone cut it as long as they think closest wins Tracey

Baby safety pin bobbing

  • Safety pins in a bowl of rice with the person blind folded. Need to get as many pins as possible in 30sec. Not as easy as it sounds. Nevada

Match the baby photo to the mum

  • Guess the baby, everyone brings a baby photo, you pin them to a board and everyone has to guess who’s pic is who’s. The person guessing the most right wins. M’leigh

Pregnant ‘waddle’ walk race

  • Balloon races, balloons between your legs “waddling”. Nikki

Pin the nappy on the baby

  • Pin the nappy on the baby. Draw a picture of baby and blindfold the guests.  Spin each guest and give them a pin with a piece of double sided tape on it.  The one who places the pin closest to where it belongs will win. (Just like pin the tail on the donkey).  Alternatively play pin the sperm on the egg.   Carolin

Toilet paper nappy

  • Have people into teams and they need to make a nappy from toilet paper, the quickest team wins! Nevada

Spit the dummy

  • “Spit the dummy” is fun, all line up toe the line and try spit the dummy as far as you can. Meghan

Baby words

  • A to Z give everyone 3 minutes  to write a baby word for every letter. NO NAMES.  Or word jumble scramble 25 words n they gave to un scramble eg DLREACD = cradle Stacey

Baby Picasso

  • Baby Picasso: give everyone a piece of paper and a pen, have everyone close their eyes and you read out baby parts they have to draw in random order, eg; draw the baby’s feet, then draw the head, the arms then the eyes etc until you complete the baby. There will be some very funny pictures. Melissa

Baby Names

  • The name game- mum writes one name each letter of the alphabet (A-Z), everyone else does their own list.  The winners are those who write the most common name.  (A good time to get some extra baby name ideas as well!) Rachel

Peg baby shower game

  • Give everyone 5 pegs and every time over the time of the baby shower that someone says “baby” then you get to steal a peg.  If you have the most pegs when the baby shower ends, you wins.  Tracey
  • Give everyone 5 pegs which they attach to their top when they arrive. If they say ‘baby’ they have to give a peg to the person who catches them out. Person with the most pegs at the end of the day wins. Joanne

Guess baby weight and sex

  • At my sister in law’s baby shower, I scanned a copy of the ultrasound photo for everyone and they wrote their guess for baby’s weight /sex.  Everyone also wrote some nice supportive words to the mummy to be a gift to her after labour and she will know she’s not alone Stacey

baby shower games

More baby shower game ideas…

  • Fastest nappy change (on dolls, with vegemite smeared in the ‘dirty’ nappy); feeding a jar of baby food to another person while blindfolded, fastest pair wins Sharon
  • A-Z of baby items everyone has a pen and paper write a-z down the page who ever gets the most thing written in a certain amount of time wins and guessing baby foods by tasting them wrap paper or foil around the jar and number them and get everyone to taste and write down what they thought they were Tash
  • See who can drink a bottle of milk fastest. Always entertaining to watch. Sam
  • Not something we did and not exactly a game but onesies painting everyone gets a onesie to paint and the baby can either wear it or it can be made into bunting. Melissa
  • Guess the parts on Ultrasound cards. Paper plate on head, and get them to draw the best baby. Guess the size of belly (streamer). Peg game (saying Baby) Beck
  • Smear different foods on nappies, chocolate, Nutella, avocado etc, need to guess what it is! Amelia
  • Don’t know if it’s mentioned already but the best game we had a my baby shower was match the baby socks. Get together as many pairs of baby socks u can and then chuck in a few odd ones to put them off, each take turns avid see how many socks u can pair and fold in one minute! Raina
  • I did nursery rhymes I made a quote up from a nursery rhyme and they had to guess what nursery rhyme it was I had about 50 of them and first to get them all won! I also did who could change a baby’s bum the quickest blind folded! I got dolls and put Nutella on the bum and made everyone change the nappy blind folded! I also did jumbled letters, ( baby things), Shay
  • Puff paint and baby singlets in various sizes. Every guest and mum to be decorates a singlet and the baby has plenty of singlets to wear, that are personalised. Did this for a friend recently, and a friend did it for me, and everyone loved it, because it’s not you typical baby shower game. Terri
  • My fav was “Who’s”. Get a bunch of questions that starts with “who”, like who has had the biggest baby, who was born in the strangest place, who had the quickest labour and birth etc. It’s great for smaller parties and is a great way to get everyone talking together!! Best answer wins a prize! Stacy
  • Most of the games I’ve played have been mentioned. But another good one is matching celebrity babies to the mums. Celeb babies cut out and stuck to cardboard and you have to name the mums eg pics of Shiloh (Angelina) Suri (Katie) Allison
  • I went to a Bridal Shower and they played a game where they had a rope strung up at approximately the height of a clothes line with pegs pegged on it and you had to take as many pegs off the line with one hand without dropping any and the one who took the most off was the winner. Could be used as a baby shower game as babies create lots of washing and you have to also get used to doing a lot of things with one hand lol. Natalee
  • Peg game you put a heap of pegs on a clothes horse and every body has a minute to take the pegs off with one hand only any that get dropped are not counted.  Also try the balloon game.  You need balloons & a bucket.  You put the balloon in between your legs and have to try drop the balloon in the bucket Dee
  • I refused to attend my shower if there were to be any games!! Friendly get together, great prezzies, good food and no wine for me. Party pooper? Maybe…Fantastic day though. Marita
  • Another game you can play is where you play a quick snippet of kids tv show theme songs and you have to write them down. The one who gets the most right wins. Natalee
  • Get a whole heap of kids socks & time people on how quickly they can pair them up. (Pain of our parenting life lol). Get 2 baby dolls & blindfold the mother & another guest & see who can get the nappy on first. Get a guest book & get the guests to give their best parenting advice. Rebecca
  • A jar and every time someone says baby they have to put a buck in it, all proceeds going to momma and something she needs! Trust me its hard to not say baby at a “baby” shower Alaina
  • Spit the dummy as mentioned above. You feel ridiculous but it’s so much fun and pretty much everyone gets involved. We do heard of five the winner out of each heat go into the grand final to who can spit it the longest and they are they are the winners. makes for good action shots too Rebecca
  • I loved that one where you hold a doll and pretend to talk on the phone and see how many pieces of clothing you can get on the line in 1 minute, so much fun, also who is the quickest to dress the baby, we used 2 baby borns with a nappy, singlet, suit and jacket :)) also for my sisters we all made bub a singlet and drew or wrote something on it with fabric paint and pens.  Rachael
  • The baby food game buy a lot of different types of baby food and put a blind fold over everyone’s eyes and get them to try it and then get them to write it on a piece of paper and see who gets it right Sarah
  • Going old school party game donuts hanging of string hands behind back first to eat all without hands wins!  Skye
  • I had a list of nursery rhymes but missing words and you had to guess what they were, some are not what you seem! Also I had guess which celebrity baby’s name this is – that too was a fun one! Oh and another was we had a bowl full of rice and you hide nappy pins in it then blindfold people and see how many they can find in a minute! It is soooooo hard but lots of fun! A little messy though! Nicole
  • My fav one is giving birth… You get everyone into teams, and when you say go they have to (one by one) blow up a balloon, tie it and put it up there shirt. The second person can’t start until the first person has finished and so on.. They keep going down the line Until everyone is ‘pregnant’. Once the last person has put the balloon up their top they then have to ‘give birth’ (pop the balloon). They can only use body parts – no pins, needles or teeth or any other items. Elbows. Hands, knees etc can be used. And again they ‘give birth’ one by one until everyone has had their baby in the team. Once the whole team has finished they must yell out something of your choice (ie… It’s a boy etc) and the first team wins! some great photo opportunities in this game… Hysterical!! Jackie
  • Not a game, but creates a memory of who was there: a pretty notebook where guests guess gender, date weight… and offer a bit of advice for the new mum Tanya
  • Being blind folded and having to change a baby dolls nappy but make it interesting and and put melted chocolate or some form of liquid on the nappy. So people get a bit of a surprise when changing the nappy to put the clean one on… 20sec limit! Jazzman
  • Buy plain singlets when they are on sale and get some fabric paint and brushes and each guest can make a singlet for the bub. My daughter is 7 months and still wearing hers and the guests loved painting them. Stephanie
  • My girlfriends did the string game too for mine but got everyone to blow up balloons to put under their shirts to help them guess, was hilarious as everyone looked pregnant in the photos. Also get her to keep her ribbon as a reminder of how much her belly measured. Number cards from 1-…. This will be opened on the child on the corresponding birthday. Leave poems or something you wish you knew at that age or words of wisdom. Put away in a keepsake box with mum. A nice touch- especially when loved ones aren’t there in the future to wish them happy birthday! Rach

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