Many DIY fanatics and Pinterest lovers were in awe of her work, which included having a labelled glass jar for ever flour, nut, oat and sweet imaginable.

‘Oh wow! This is literally my goal… to have a pantry just like that,’ one woman said. ‘I want to come and play at your house! I absolutely love it, well done,‘ said another.

The walk-in pantry has matching white tea cups, greenery next to jars of alcohol and plastic crates filled with cooking implements.

The pantry’s owner described her most favourite item as the labels on each of the crates and jars, which were created by a brand called Designer Pretties To Love.

The white-on-white design with chalkboard motives and ample glass certainly ticks all the boxes of pantry porn with hints of Ikea, Kmart and Target found in her equally stylish and practical choices.

Pantry P*rn Sees Negative Nancys with their Knickers in a Knot

As with all things of the internet, it turns out even a gorgeous pantry can be polarising.

‘Has anyone stopped to think about all the dusting you would have to do though?’ One person said.

‘Love it but too much cleaning for me!’ Said another.

‘You sure have a lot of fake plants in there’ Commented another.

‘It’s just so OVER THE TOP’ Said a final commenter. Many however disagreed. Including the owner who rebutted their comments.  

There is barely any dust. It’s a walk-in pantry so it’s out of the main thoroughfare and I have an Enjo dust mop for the floor that gets used everyday for a quick sweep around the entire house,’ she said.

‘I probably wipe the shelves once a month and am surprised at how little dust there is. To be honest, it doesn’t take much. We cook a lot so if you take a container out and it needs a wipe or the shelf does… you just wipe it.’

Calm your pantry hating farm. Whatever makes you happy, right?

Here at Baby Hints couldn’t care less if your pantry is magazine worthy or a cupboard with some half opened packets tumbling out. If your kids are fed and it works for you, you’re nailing pantry organisation by our standards.

What’s your pantry really like? Would you like an insta-worthy pantry of your own? 

Images via facebook and Daily Mail. 

Need a good recipe to try using ingredients from your perfect pantry (or less than!) what about these 10 Quick & Easy Delicious Family Meals?