
Baby Hints & Tips

Easy weetbix slice recipe

Weetbix slice recipe - delicious recipe you can make out of pantry ingredients

I have been searching for some new lunch box ideas, my criteria are ones that will freeze, my kids enjoy and are quick to make, this easy weetbix slice recipe ticks all the boxes.  Even better the Weetbix make it low GI, so we can pretend it is healthy.  AND all the ingredients are always in my pantry – perfect.

Importantly my kids and their friends LOVE this.  Its a simple recipe and so perfect for when they want to help cook.  There are lots of jobs the kids can get involved in eg crushing the weetbix, tipping in the ingredients, mixing the ingredients and pressing the ingredients into the pan.

Note the alternative ingredients listed at the bottom of the article, all suggested by readers.

My tips: Blitz in a thermomix or a food processor to get the weetbix very fine for a yummy base.  You can also subsitute wholemeal self raising flour and use less sugar to make it a bit healthier.

Happy cooking, Tanya


3 Weetbix
1 Cup Self Raising Flour
1 Cup Desiccated Coconut
1 Tablespoon Cocoa
150g Butter, melted in microwave
1/2 Cup Sugar


3/4 Cup Icing Sugar
2 Tablespoons Cocoa
50g Butter
Hot Water
Sprinkles, I used one with natural colouring*


1. Grease and line a slice tray.

2. Crumble Weetbix as fine as possible (a food processor will get them super fine). Mix together all dry ingredients, mix through melted butter. Press into slice tray and bake at 180oC for 20-25 minutes.

3. Once slice is cool, ice with chocolate icing and cover with sprinkles.

4. To make icing. Melt butter, mix with dry ingredients and gradually add hot water until a smooth consistency.

NOTE: This weetbix slice recipe is a bit crumbly so best eaten outside (or at school). ENJOY 🙂

Suggested Alternatives

1. Use desiccated coconut on top instead of sprinkles

2. Use cornflakes instead of weetbix

3. Use honey instead of sugar

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