
Baby Hints & Tips

Returning to work with a fly in fly out partner

fly in fly outMy question is for the FIFO ( fly in fly out ) partners out there. Did you go back to work part time or full time? How old was bub and did you find it ok?

  • not FIFO but a truck drivers wife…. We have 3 children 5yo-9mo and I work 4 days a week as a teacher… Can be hard at times, need to have great organisational skills & routines. Can be done…heaps of families out there that are in the same boat. Just got to make it work! Kirstene
  • I considered going back part time when our daughter was 8 months old and hubby was on a 3/1 roster, but when it came down to the crunch the cons definitely outweighed the pros. As much as I would of loved to return to work for the social side(and as something just for me) I was struggling with the fifo life, having no family around & parenting as it was without throwing work into the mix aswell. I decided to stay at home and enjoy the special time with my daughter that my hubby was sadly missing out on. It’s obviously a personal choice and every one is different. Maybe if you have a good support network and family close by to help you could cope with fifo, a child and work a lot easier than myself Jacinta
  • Fifo wife, I havent gone back to work yet but starting on study soon hopefully after I finish ill be avle to go back to work full time the boys will then be 3 and about 18 mths but we shall see a question about goin back to work. Do u have family close by to take ur child (ren) or help with ur kid(s). Sorry if I sound nosey, because when I go back to work the boys will have to go into child care. Jess
  • I worked 5 days a week 9-2 (school hours) with 1 child in ft childcare and 1 child in pre primary. I now am a sahm with my 6mth old. I haven’t yet chosen when to go back to work. It wasn’t that difficult working with a fifo husband. Mainly cos i just did school hours. I wouldn’t recommend full time work. Kaytlin
  • My hubby was away for 18months a 3 on 1 off roster in WA we are on the gold coast was hard but we managed ok then he got a job back here but was night shift so notuch different acually. I still havnt retutned to work yet but study at uni fulltime my daughter will be 3 on sunday. Rhiannon
  • My partner isn’t fifo but can be away for a month pr more At a time. I chose to go back 2 days so when he goes away again I get a break from 7 days straight as we have no family and have only left our 12 month old daughter with a friend once for a few hours. It may only be for the short term but I did not want to lose my job in case I need it if his work goes queit (which it does). Either way we would make it work money and man power wise. It depends why you want to work maybe sit down and not your options and thoughts out on paper. I was quite anxious about the desicision but once it was made it was easy from there and I am enjoying having something challenging again and a bit of extra cash. Merinda
  • I am currently a FIFO wife on unpaid parental leave. Before baby we were both FIFO on 8:6 roster. Our daughter turned 1 last month, I have just negotiated with my employer to return to FIFO on an opposite roster to hubby in July. It is only for 12 months & we have our reasons for doing this. Returning to any sort of work whether you are FIFO or not is a personal choice you may be judged by friends or family like we have been but it’s you & your family & whatever works for YOU Lori
  • my husband isn’t fifo but works on a mine site 45 mins away. He does1:1. I went back to work when our little one was about 6 months. Was only 2 days a week. Tho she didn’t need to go to day care . Had family around. She is now 19 months. I’m working 4 days a week she attends day two days a week. Jo
  • I went back briefly after 1, then was preg with two. Did casual work when two was around 2-2.5 at the child are centre where they both went. By the time three came along, it was no longer conceivable for me to work cause I’d be lucky to come away with $30 for a day of work after child care fees…now there’s a fourth, and we would be out of pocket if I returned to work. Honestly, I won’t be looking for work until the forth is also in school. I wouldn’t mind having a part time job, but atm it’s just not possible without loosing money… Nadia
  • My partner is fifo so we get no government benefits. I went back to 4 days when bub was 4weeks old. It’s hard but you find the balance eventually Jessica
  • My hubby does 26/9 & i do 2 8 hr days a week. It sometimes feels pretty full on because i do 2 days in a row. But i love my job and have an amazing work place so it works. Lisa
  • If you have a good child care option you can do whatever you like. I went part time & have a Fantastic child care center…our daughter was 18mths… Cally
  • The advice I want to give you is give your baby plenty of practise being looked after by someone else. It will help a lot when you officially have to leave your baby and go back to work. I don’t think it really matters on the age. Kelly
  • My husband works 2 on 2 off and I don’t work, went back to work years ago but found it harder than to not work. I keep myself busy with kids, housework, friends and hobbys Justine
  • my first was six months old when I went back to work and my second was eight months, it can work really well as long as you have a good support base Alice
  • Hubby is fifo 4:1 I went back to work part time when bubs was 8 mths old she is now almost 1 and I’m heading back full time. She loves daycare and had no problems adjusting. Just remember to take time for yourself ( even if its 5 mins) being a working fifo wife with young babies is hard work. Caryn
  • Part time. It is a struggle some weeks but good to get into a routine and have some professional/adult time. But still spend he precious time with my lo. If he didn’t enjoy his child care I would probably quit but he loves it too. Alicea
  • Not working FIFO myself, but my partner does FIFO on a 2:2 roster. We are expecting our first baby in only 5 short weeks and I am thankful my partner has been granted 6 weeks off total when our baby is due. I have found it difficult him being away throughout the duration of my pregnancy, so this time off together will be wonderful. I am currently in my final year of studying my bachelors degree and will be needing to complete my final field placement only a few months after the birth of our baby. Worried how I will cope being away during the day when she is still so young. Have a lot of respect for the Mums out there who have mastered returning to work! Jaenabelle
  • hubby fifo was 9d&5d with our first now 2w&1w with our second. I work for a family business so I have flexibility. With our first I went back 1 day a week at 6 months 3 days at 11 months. Was fortunate to have my dad and a wonderful friend look after my daughter. Really helped that they could feed and bath her for me. I also worked days so I was off all but 1 day when hubby was home. That was their daddy daughter day. This time around I’m not too sure as number 2 is only 8 weeks old. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to work out going back to work this time around. I’m quite involved in the business so Im able to make it work as best for us as I can. My advice, be organized (lay out clothes at night – even pack car). Ask for help when you need it (I learnt this hard way) & do what works for your family, what works for one doesn’t always work for another. Good luck Tiffany
  • Returned to work part time when bubba was about 10 months, only possible as my mum could look after her and we have great next door neighbours that help if were stuck. Couldn’t do it without the support! Becca
  • You will get judged, you will get criticised. I work but not for the $, I work because I love my job. Because I’m good at my job and I get a great sense of achievement in going to work. The $ are just a bonus. I believe I am a better mum because I work, but like most have said, it’s a personal choice. It’s not easy but not much in life is… Lisa

How does your working and FIFO schedule work? Share below

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