
Baby Hints & Tips

SmarTrike recall

The SmarTrike sold by Target Australia between May 2017 and July 2018 has been recalled due to safety concerns.

SmarTrike recall

What is the defect?

The SmarTrike does not meet safety standards for a stroller used within Australia.  It is lacking a parking brake, tether strap, or relevant warnings which are required by the mandatory standard ‘Trade Practices Act 1974 Consumer Protection Notice No. 8 of 2007 –
Consumer Product Safety Standard for Prams and Strollers.

What are the risks?

If the SmarTrike is used as a stroller it may cause injury to the child due to the lack of safety requirements.

What should I do if I have a SmarTrike?

Consumers should not use the product as a stroller to transport children. Consumers who purchased the product from Target believing that it was a stroller or could be used as a stroller can return the product to a Target or Target Country store for a full refund. A receipt is not required to obtain a refund.

For full model descriptions, images and sales dates, please visit www.target.com.au/smartrike-recall

For more information, please contact Target’s Customer Support Centre on 1300 753 567 or visit the website.

More details of the recall are available at Product Safety Australia.

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